Vanuatu CCAC Partner since 2024 Breadcrumb Home Our Partners Vanuatu Vanuatu joined the CCAC in 2024 and is a carbon-negative country highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. As a member of the Global Methane Pledge, Vanuatu is working towards the collective goal of reducing global methane emissions by at least 30% from 2020 levels by 2030. Vanuatu's priorities for SLCP mitigation include reducing methane and black carbon emissions from waste management and agriculture, and mitigating HFCs in cooling. Vanuatu also seeks to integrate SLCP inventories and mitigation into existing and future sectoral policies and Nationally Determined Contribution updates.Vanuatu is particularly focused on awareness-raising activities with a focus on the urgency of slowing climate change and sea level rise in the context of small islands and coastal communities.