National strategy for the mitigation of short-lived climate pollutants Year 2020 - 2030 Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Policy Database National Strategy For The Mitigation of Short-lived Climate Pollutants Description The broad objective of the document is to promote the development and implementation of actions to reduce SLCPs in Colombia in the medium and short term, as well as to develop a mechanism to evaluate their impact on air quality in tandem with climate change. Measures To achieve its aim, the strategy outlines three sub-objectives. Firstly, the strategy seeks to adapt information management systems related to SLCPs to facilitate decision-making and coordination between institutions. This will include the integration of SLCPs into the Environmental Information System of Colombia (SIAC), and the completion of a national emission inventory for black carbon, methane, and other SLCPs. Secondly, Colombia will aim to adopt specialized tools to quantify the multiple benefits associated with SLCP mitigation measures, and in turn create synergies among different government programs and policies. Finally, Colombia will seek to strengthen institutional capacity among all relevant ministries to attain these objectives. Last update 17 July, 2023 Related partners Colombia