Abidjan waste activities

The city of Abidjan generates around 1.2 to 1.7 million tonnes of waste a year. With the support of the Coalition's Municipal Solid Waste Initiative, the city aims to strengthen the capacity of its experts and build a new landfill. These activities include:

  • Setting up a reporting system for monitoring black carbon, methane and others pollutants
  • Reinforcing the policy and institutional arrangement based on the knowledge from black carbon and methane reduction by including SLCPs in National waste management plan and local plans
  • Contributing to securing health of all population around the landfill and in the cities
  • Promoting black carbon reduction and health benefits near others big cities
What we're doing


Gavalor conducted a study about the recycling of organic waste in the Abidjan district to reduce short-lived climate pollutants.

A study was also conducted with goal of closing the AKOUEDO dump.

Find out more on the Coalition's Municipal Solid Waste knowledge platform.

Pollutants (SLCPs)