Advancing Implementation of Pakistan’s National Clean Air Policy Through Clean Cooking Fuels and Technologies


In Pakistan, rural and semi-urban populations rely heavily on traditional biomass fuels for their daily cooking needs. The widespread use of inefficient cooking technologies has led to harmful health outcomes and deforestation. According to the Pakistan Economic Survey of 2020-2021, an estimated 153,000 people in Pakistan lost their lives in 2019 due to air pollution, with women and children being disproportionately affected.

Pakistan's 2023 National Clean Air Policy is aligned with its 2021 NDC, and 2021 National Climate Change Policy to promote clean cooking fuel and technologies. This project will develop a National Clean Cooking Strategy, which will identify barriers to adoption of clean cooking fuels and technologies and develop a roadmap to scaling up renewable energy.


This project aims to:

  • Develop a National Clean Cooking Strategy that can be endorsed by the Government of Pakistan.
  • Increase the capacity of The Government of Pakistan to implement a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Framework for clean cooking fuels and technologies.
  • Increase the capacity of the Government of Pakistan to assess, monitor, and reduce SLCP emissions from the household energy sector.
  • Develop performance standards for clean cookstoves and labels that can be adopted by the Government of Pakistan. 

To achieve these objectives, the project will:

  • Develop a National Clean Cooking Strategy for Pakistan focused on clean cooking fuels and technologies to scale up mitigation from the sector.
  • Develop a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) framework to track the adoption and impact of clean cookstoves to drive data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement of clean cookstove programs.
  • Conduct capacity building for reporting emissions reduction data to participate in and facilitate access to carbon market incentives for emissions reduction efforts.
  • Develop comprehensive performance standards for clean cookstoves and labels to help consumers identify efficient stoves to enhance consumer awareness and informed choices regarding clean cookstoves, leading to increased adoption.

Project Reference: [PK-23-003] Advancing Implementation of Pakistan’s National Clean Air Policy Through Clean Cooking Fuels and Technologies