Cambodia - Implementing improved vehicle emission standards

Cambodia has been a member of the CCAC since 2014. The Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) have supported Cambodia in strengthening its capacity to address emissions including short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), and the development of its Clean Air Plan. These activities have been instrumental in developing the landmark government circular on vehicle emission standards and fuel quality as well.

However, Cambodia still requires technical support and guidance in supporting the implementation of these standards. According to the analysis in the Clean Air Plan, the implementation of these standards could result to about 75% reduction of Black Carbon, PM2.5, and PM10 by 2030 in the transport sector. 

Cambodia has mandated the Euro IV vehicle emission standards for all new and imported second-hand vehicles by 2022 and Euro V by 2027. Fuel quality is also mandated to be equivalent to Euro IV vehicle emission standards, or 50ppm sulfur in both diesel and gasoline by 2021, and 10ppm by 2024. 

The project aims to support the implementation of Euro 4/IV vehicle emission standards and equivalent fuel quality by developing technical guidelines and additional related policies to ensure that the standards are implemented effectively. The project also aims to develop the roadmap to adopting Euro 6/VI vehicle emission standards and equivalent fuel quality. 

Work carried out under this project supports the emissions targets set in Cambodia's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and Cambodia's Clean Air Plan. Additionally, this project complements other ongoing transport-related projects, particularly the GIZ project on Sustainable Mobility in Metropolitan Regions in ASEAN and the ongoing ICCT-UNEP ASEAN Soot-Free Initiative.

Project reference: Cambodia: Implementing improved vehicle emission standards [KH-21-001]


This project aims to:

  • Develop effective implementation and enforcement of vehicle and fuel standards.
  • Develop a roadmap for Euro 6/VI and updated sub-decree on air pollution control and noise management.
  • Improve the capacity of Cambodian government entities in vehicle emission standards, enforcement, inspection, and fuel quality monitoring.
What We're Doing

To achieve its objectives the project will

  • Draft and support endorsement of the Joint Ministerial Declaration on vehicle emission standards implementation and vehicle inspection.
  • Draft and support endorsement of the Joint Ministerial Declaration on fuel quality monitoring.
  • Develop a roadmap to Euro 6/VI vehicle emission standards and fuel quality.
  • Develop technical guidelines for implementation of Euro 4/IV vehicle emission standards.
  • Develop technical guidelines for fuel quality monitoring.
  • Conduct training on vehicle emissions standards enforcement and inspection.
  • Conduct training on fuel quality monitoring.