Capacity Building to enhance Côte d’Ivoire’s NDC

Côte d’Ivoire has taken part in short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) planning activities since joining the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) in 2013.

In 2020, the CCAC funded technical support to Côte d’Ivoire through the NDC Partnership Climate Action Enhancement Package. The support led to the development of a greenhouse gas and SLCP mitigation analysis to inform the formulation of the country’s revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).


To support the development of Côte d’Ivoire’s NDC, this project provided support to:

  • Develop an assessment of SLCP mitigation potential for all major source sectors and to evaluate the SLCP, greenhouse gas and air pollutant emission reduction potential for all mitigation measures considered for the revised NDC
  • Integrate mitigation assessments into a single tool that evaluates overall greenhouse gas, SLCP and air pollutant emission reductions to define the ambition of the revised NDC
  • Develop recommendations for how SLCPs can be incorporated into the revised NDC 


The main activities of this project involved:

  • Identifying the mitigation assessments being conducted and determining how SLCP mitigation could be integrated into them
  • Developing an integrated assessment of current and projected greenhouse gas, air pollutant and SLCP emissions as well as the mitigation potential of current policies and plans to reduce emissions across major source sectors in Côte d’Ivoire
  • Contributing to the compilation phase of the NDC and providing estimates of the mitigation potential of the measures considered for the NDC

The project activities led to an integrated greenhouse gas and SLCP assessment that informed Côte d’Ivoire’s revised NDC. The results of this integrated analysis, based on the assessment of thirty-four mitigation measures in twelve priority sectors, indicate that Côte d'Ivoire could reduce :

  • up to 57% of its black carbon emissions by 2030
  • up to 36% of its methane emissions by 2030
  • up to 20% of these hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) emissions by 2030

In addition to reducing other air pollutants, these measures would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 30% compared to a baseline scenario, if unconditional efforts are considered. The conditional measures greatly increase mitigation ambition and allow Côte d'Ivoire to consider carbon neutrality in 2030 and 2050.


Côte d’Ivoire is home to over 25 million people, the majority of whom are consistently exposed to levels of air pollution that exceed World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. According to WHO, this exposure is estimated to have resulted in 34,000 premature deaths in 2016, including 8,000 child deaths from respiratory infections. Côte d’Ivoire is simultaneously experiencing the effects of climate change and its impacts on the Ivorian economy, threatening vital industries such as cocoa production and hindering socioeconomic development.

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