Colombia – Develop an agriculture sector strategy to inform NDC update

This project responds to a request made by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia to develop an agriculture sector strategy to reduce short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) emissions which will inform the formulation of the NDC 2030-2035 to be delivered in 2025.

Project reference: [CO-23-003] Colombia - Develop an agriculture sector strategy to inform NDC update 

What we're doing

This project will support the Government of Colombia to raise its ambition for the agriculture sector in its 2025 NDC update, delivering a sector strategy that prioritizes methane mitigation actions. Colombia's BUR3 and first modelling of measures focused on increasing sector ambition (internal documents) should serve as the basis for this project. At minimum, the project is expected to deliver an agriculture sector strategy by 2024. Through the proposed outputs and activities, the project should achieve the following by its completion:

  • The Government of Colombia endorses an agriculture sector strategy by 2024.
  • The Government of Colombia includes methane measures or targets in its 2025 NDC update.
  • The Government of Colombia has increased capacity to assess and model their SLCP emissions, especially methane, to prioritize and implement measures, and to track progress by the end of the project.

Updates from the Project

On November 15, 2024, researchers from CIPAV and CIAT led the kick-off of the project in the city of Bogotá. The workshop, which aimed to make the project known to different key actors in the agricultural sector and thus strengthen collaboration, was attended by representatives from the Colombian Ministries of Environment and Sustainable Development, and Agriculture and Rural Development, as well as CCAC, the National Planning Department (DNP) and the private sector represented by FEDEGAN, PORKCOLOMBIA, FENAVI, FENALCE and FEDEARROZ.