Establish a Lower Mekong Regional Hub for Clean Air to enhance harmonized national regulatory capacity in Thailand, Lao PDR and Cambodia


Thailand, Lao PDR, and Cambodia have developed national policies and programs to address air quality management and climate change mitigation. Thailand's policies include the Climate Change Master Plan and the National Environmental Quality Act, focusing on reducing emissions and enhancing air quality through stricter regulations and promoting renewable energy. Lao PDR has integrated air quality management in its National Climate Change Strategy and is prioritizing sustainable forestry and clean energy. Cambodia's efforts are guided by the National Strategic Plan on Green Growth and Climate Change, emphasizing renewable energy, forest conservation, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  

These countries are collaborating under initiatives such as the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution and the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Core Environment Program. These efforts aim to improve air quality, mitigate climate impacts, and promote sustainable development across the region.  

The Pollution Control Department (PCD) of Thailand possesses both the technical expertise and available technology necessary to effectively reduce air pollution and SLCP emissions from open burning and forest fires. Through the “Clear Sky Strategy,” PCD is extending its support to neighbouring countries by providing capacity building and technological assistance, including mobile monitoring equipment, to Laos and Cambodia. As these countries work on developing their own clear air plans, these collaborative efforts will collectively enhance the region's capacity to address transboundary air pollution more effectively. 

The project aims work to towards air pollution and SLCP mitigation and sustainability of related national and regional policy frameworks and initiatives of Thailand, Lao PDR, and Cambodia. 

The existing national policies and regional collaborative efforts serve as basis for recommendations on strengthening of national frameworks, operationalization of regional hub activities, and development of a comprehensive data management system. 

The project is designed to further develop the existing near real-time air quality decision-support platform, offering critical support to the three countries. Additionally, the project includes training on air quality monitoring and communication. Donor mapping for key programs is also a key component, ensuring the sustainability of the Lower Mekong Regional Hub for Clean Air. 


This project aims to:

  • The Governments of Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos each endorse individualised recommendations for strengthening national regulatory frameworks for clean air during the project.
  • The Government of Thailand secures political and financial support (national and/or international) for long-term operations of the Lower Mekong Regional Hub for Clean Air by the end of the project or soon after.
  • The Government of Thailand secures political and financial support (national and/or international) for long-term operations of the Lower Mekong Regional Hub for Clean Air by the end of the project or soon after.


To achieve these objectives, the project will:

  • Recommendation report for strengthening Thailand’s, Lao PDR’s and Cambodia’s national regulatory frameworks for clean air and recommendation for operationalization of the regional hub.
  • Near real-time air quality decision-support platform.
  • Stakeholder Consultation for endorsement of the individualised recommendations for strengthening the regulatory frameworks for clean air.
  • Financial Assessment report of the regional hub’s programs.
  • Project Proposals for the key programs of the Regional Hub.
  • Presentation pitches for key programs of the Regional Hub.
  • List of funding partners for key programs of the regional hub.

Project Reference: [TH-24-002] Establish a Lower Mekong Regional Hub for Clean Air to enhance harmonized national regulatory capacity