Image [media_placeholder] Ghana – Develop SLCP measures for the 2024 NDC update Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Ghana – Develop SLCP Measures For The 2024 NDC Update Year 2023 2026 Beneficiary Ghana Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Environmental Compliance Institute (ECI) RationaleGhana is a founding member of the CCAC and has built a high level of in-country capacity within institutions and ministries on integrated GHG, SLCP and air pollutant inventorying and planning. This project will build upon the existing capacity to train more government officials in order to increase existing national capacity. Air pollution is considered the greatest environmental public health risk in Ghana, mainly caused by cooking using wood and charcoal, road transport, slash-and-burn methods of farming, open waste burning, energy generation, accidental fires and industry. 28,000 Ghanaians die prematurely every year as a result of air pollution, according to the World Health Organization, and Ghana also bears the brunt of climate change impacts just like other Sub-Saharan Africa countries.This project responds to a request made by Ghana to strengthen capacity of government entities to identify opportunities for enhancing short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) action ahead of the 2025 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) update.OutcomesThis project aims to:Enable the Government of Ghana to include priority SLCP mitigation actions and/or targets in its revised NDC by 2025.Increase the capacity of the Government of Ghana to take action on SLCPs.ActivitiesThis project is expected to develop policy recommendations on gaps and actions to address in the revised NDC including financing options (integration into the national budget, bilateral funding, multilateral development banks, etc), and to deliver trainings on SLCP analysis and mitigation options. Work with Ghana's existing SLCP mitigation taskforce as the core team to support implementation of the project. Hold SLCP planning training for the SLCP taskforce.Review Ghana's progress to date on national SLCP planning & implementation. Identify gaps and recommend actions needed to enhance the updated NDC with priority SLCP measures, assess & estimate the cost of implementing the NDC measures, identify & recommend potential funding sources. Provide hands-on technical training to the SLCP mitigation representatives from relevant sectors, civil society, and academic and research institutions. Evaluate the priority SLCP mitigation measures & estimate the cost of implementation, thus enable learning by doing. Hold two working sessions of the SLCP Taskforce to review Ghana's progress to date on national SLCP planning & implementation. Identify gaps and recommend actions needed to enhance the updated NDC with priority SLCP measures, assess & estimate the cost of implementing the NDC measures, identify & recommend potential funding sources. Hold a high-level hybrid dissemination workshop to share project results.Project reference: [GH-23-002] Ghana – Develop SLCP measures for the 2024 NDC update
Year 2023 2026 Beneficiary Ghana Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Environmental Compliance Institute (ECI)