Maldives – Deliver trainings to increase integrated GHG, SLCP, and air pollutant mitigation action 


The Maldives has been engaged in SLCP planning since 2017 and has developed a National Action Plan to Reduce Air Pollutants NAPRAP. The NAPRAP describes a strategy to improve air quality in the Maldives while at the same time mitigating climate change and reveals that key SLCP source sectors include the transport and waste sectors.

As a result as fuel quality and vehicle emission standards, were included in the Maldives National Strategic Action Plan as priority SLCP mitigation measures. 

The Ministry of Environment have submitted an updated NDC before COP26, which increased the Maldives Climate Change mitigation ambition. Currently, the Ministry of Environment the Ministry relies on consultants to undertake greenhouse gas emission inventories and mitigation assessments, but seek to build capacity to undertake and update these assessments themselves. 

The aim of this project is to support the Maldives’ Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology in building the required capacity for more thorough reporting to the UNFCCC and to ensure evidence-based decisions are made at the policy level. This will build on previous CCAC projects.


 The project aims to:

  • Increase the capacity of the Government of The Maldives to take action on SLCP mitigation and increased the number of staff performing SLCP analysis.



To achieve these objectives the project will:

  • Conduct training workshops on modelling software for short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) analysis (e.g. LEAP) and on the development of greenhouse gas emission and mitigation assessments. This will increase the number of trained staff able to report to UNFCCC, coordinate across agencies, identify solutions for SLCP mitigation, and provide a framework for investments into such solutions.

Project Reference: Maldives – Deliver trainings to increase integrated GHG, SLCP, and air pollutant mitigation action [MV-22-001]