Image [media_placeholder] Morocco - National Planning on short-lived climate pollutants Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Morocco - National Planning On Short-lived Climate Pollutants Year 2018 2022 Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Morocco, Kingdom of With support from the Coalition's SNAP initiative, Morocco is currently developing its legal and institutional capacity to mitigate short-lived climate pollutants and its national strategy for reducing pollution and SLCPs. This work will complement the existing National Air Program (PNAir) endorsed in 2018 to improve air quality across a range of priority sectors by 2030 and the country's existing climate change commitment under the Paris agreement. ObjectivesThe SNAP Initiative is providing technical assistance and funding for Morocco with the aim of: Strengthening coordination and action on short-lived climate pollutants Identifying major emission sources, their likely evolution and mitigation potential Assessing the co-benefits of action Prioritising the most relevant measures at national scale Identifying ways to promote and implement these mitigation measures Incorporating short-lived climate pollutants into existing plans and activities where they are not currently considered Supporting the implementation of priority measures and tracking progress What we're doingPhase I – National SLCP Planning and Institutional Strengthening: Ongoing In April 2018, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between the Ministry of Environment and the CCAC Secretariat to initiate national SLCP mitigation planning process through the SNAP initiative. A national consultant was hired to coordinate the project. An initial workshop was organised with the coordinators of existing national planning processes such as the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), National Communication and Air Quality Strategy coordinators. Consultations were also undertaken with key government stakeholders including the greenhouse gas inventory team of the Department of Environment, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Transport in order to reiterate their interest and willingness to engage in the project, and the scope of activities that are to be undertaken. Experts were additionally recruited in 2019 for the purpose of developing SLCP emission inventory that can supplement and possibly be integrated into the National GHG inventory, evaluating the mitigation potential of existing and additional mitigation measures, and subsequently identifying feasible implementation pathways. Inventory data is collected by national experts from each priority sector identified within the SNAP Action Plan, including energy, agriculture, transport, industry, waste, and HFC livestock. Data is additionally introduced into the LEAP IBC software tool of the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) to estimate air pollution emissions by 2040. Results will subsequently be presented at a national workshop. Key outputs from this project will be a National SLCP Plan for Morocco, as well as the integration of SLCPs into Morocco’s revised NDC, National Communication, BUR and GHG inventory system. Mitigation measures that are identified as part of the planning process will be coordinated through the air quality division processes of the Department of Environment, the Air Quality Monitoring Committee and the National Climate Change Committee, serving as a Task Force and Advisory Group for the SNAP processes. To achieve desired outputs, a work plan has been developed and the following activities are being pursued: Develop and manage an effective coordination structure that promotes SLCPs and provides a substantial increase in institutional capacities to promote SLCP mitigation Engage and mobilise key national stakeholders in SLCP mitigation including the Department of Transport, the Department of Agriculture, The Department of Industry, the Department of Energy and Mining and training and research institutions Undertake a national SLCP assessment and priority-setting exercise and achieve endorsement of recommendations at a high political level Promote financing, mainstreaming and implementation of SLCP mitigation measures Foster participation in CCAC activities/initiatives and other international initiatives Implement an effective process for monitoring and evaluating SLCP-related activities and mitigation Project updates Project update National policy and planning 2022 Morocco’s National Action Plan Signals New Era in the Country’s Climate and Clean Air Commitment Related events Atelier International sur les résultats SNAP/SLCP Maroc 9 December, 2021
Project update National policy and planning 2022 Morocco’s National Action Plan Signals New Era in the Country’s Climate and Clean Air Commitment