Nigeria - Develop a national policy on soot-free buses and a national strategy and implementation plan for CNG/electric bus deployment


Reducing short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) emissions from transportation is a priority for Nigeria. The country is currently planning its natural gas/electric programme and has the opportunity to adopt a strategy for deploying CNG/electric buses given the removal of the state fuel subsidy by the President in May 2023. Natural Gas is recognised as an important transition fuel that will also provide substantial public health and climate change benefits.

This project will support the implementation of the mitigation measures endorsed in Nigeria’s National Action Plan to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants. The plan aims to reduce 75% of PM2.5 emissions by 2030. The 22 priority mitigation measures identified include the regulation and enforcement of vehicle emission standards and targeted adoption of natural gas buses. The plan also endorses recommendations for the conversion of 25% of all buses to natural gas by 2030.

The strategy and implementation plan of this project will include developing lessons learned from the city of Lagos where two electric buses have been piloted.

  • Develop a national policy on soot-free bus technologies and EURO IV vehicle emissions standards that can be endorsed by the Government of Nigeria.
  • Enable the Federal Government to integrate priority SLCP mitigation measures, targets, and/or co-benefits assessments related to the transport sector in the revised NDC and implementation plan by 2025.
  • Enable the Federal Government of Nigeria to endorse and adopt regulations aligned with the ECOWAS directive for EURO IV vehicle standards.
  • Enable the Federal Government to endorse a national strategy and implementation plan for deploying CNG/electric buses.
  • Conduct an impact assessment on the transition to soot-free bus technologies and standards, including CNG and electric buses.
  • Conduct a policy assessment including options for bus standards, infrastructural challenges, existing institutional frameworks, potential fiscal incentives, and financing models to encourage wide adoption of soot-free buses including CNG and electric buses.
  • Develop a draft policy on soot-free buses with measures that can be included in national and local development plans as well as in city planning and reporting.  
  • Develop recommendations for the inclusion of SLCP reduction priorities, targets, and co-benefits in Nigeria's 2025 NDC.
  • Recommended regulatory options for the introduction of cleaner fuels and vehicles adopted by the ECOWAS Commission
  • Develop a strategy for the introduction of CNG and electric buses nation-wide. 
  • Develop an implementation plan for implementing the strategy.

Project Reference:  [NG-23-006] Nigeria - Develop a national policy on soot-free buses and a national strategy and implementation plan for CNG/electric bus deployment