Nigeria - National planning on short-lived climate pollutants Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Nigeria - National Planning On Short-lived Climate Pollutants Year 2015 2020 Beneficiary Nigeria Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Nigeria, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations (IUAPPA) Situated in West Africa and with a population of 190 million people, Nigeria is increasingly vulnerable to the many impacts of climate change. In addition, indoor and outdoor air quality remains a significant challenge, as cities substantially exceed the outdoor air quality guidelines of the World Health Organization, and households continue to depend on black carbon-emitting fuel sources. In 2017 it was estimated that there were 114,000 premature deaths in Nigeria attributable to air pollution, and without intervention these impacts are likely to increase with projected economic and population growth. Nigeria is therefore highly motivated to implement their ambitious National Action Plan to Reduce SLCPs in view of their development imperatives. Improved air quality through SLCP abatement will lead to direct in-country benefits including increased agricultural yields and reduced premature deaths, while also advancing other Sustainable Development Goals including affordable and clean energy, industry, innovation and infrastructure, and sustainable cities and communities. Reducing emissions will also directly advance Nigeria’s “Climate Action Goal,” and contribute to meeting emission reduction obligations under the Paris Agreement. ObjectivesThe objectives of the support provided by the SNAP Initiative was to provide technical assistance and funding for the Federal Ministry of Environment of Nigeria to undertake a national planning process on short-lived climate pollutants, specifically: Strengthen coordination and action on short-lived climate pollutants Identify major emission sources, their likely evolution and mitigation potential Assess the co-benefits of action Prioritise the most relevant measures at national scale Identify ways to promote and implement these mitigation measures Incorporate short-lived climate pollutants into existing plans and activities where they are not currently considered Support the implementation of priority measures and track progress What we're doingPhase I: Completed In June of 2015, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Federal Ministry of Environment of Nigeria and the CCAC to advance SLCP emission reduction efforts, after which a National SLCP Coordination Office was created within the ministry. Following the establishment of this national team, an extensive multi-sectoral consultative process took place between 2016 and 2018, which identified primary sources of SLCP emissions in a range of priority sectors including transportation, agriculture, household cooking and lighting, agriculture, industry, waste, and oil & gas. This process was supported by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), the International Union of Air Pollution Association (IUAPPA), the CCAC Secretariat and UNEP Africa Office. As a result of this process, the National Action Plan (NAP) to Reduce SLCPs in Nigeria was approved in May 2019 by the National Council of Ministers. Nigeria’s National Action Plan aims to advance multi-sectoral SLCP mitigation efforts at a national level, as well as implement sufficient SLCP monitoring and evaluation processes. The full implementation of the 22 priority measures identified would result in an 83% reduction in black carbon emissions by 2030 compared to a business-as-usual scenario and reduce national methane emissions by 61%. The simultaneous reduction of other air pollutants including nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, as well as carbon dioxide means that these measures could result is an overall reduction in air pollution exposure of 22% by 2030. This would also have meaningful implications on public health, with an estimated 7000 fewer premature deaths from air pollution by 2030. The overall implementation of the plan is now being pursued by the Ministries of Environment, Budget and National Planning, and the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation. The SNAP initiative continues to provide support to the Department of Climate Change for the coordination and the implementation of the activities in the plan. To date, Nigeria has implemented mitigation strategies by creating programmes to replace traditional brick kilns with new clean-burning units, worked with the Ministry of Agriculture to improve the manipulation of livestock manure, and focused on using cleaner fuels and less sulphur within the transport sector. Phase II: Ongoing Following the endorsement of the plan, a workplan was established between the Federal Ministry of Environment of Nigeria and the SNAP initiative in support of the coordination of the implementation of the National SLCP Plan. A consultant has been recruited for 15 months to support the Ministry and implement the following activities: Supporting the implementation of SLCP measures by sectorial MDAs through technical work sessions and the development of SLCP-related activity proposals Setting up effective coordination and monitoring structures for the National SLCP plan through various methods including the development of a monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework within the Climate Change Division of the Ministry of Environment and identifying training opportunities Mainstreaming SLCP considerations in relevant cross cutting plans and mechanisms in collaboration with the Ministry of Budget and National Planning Supporting the mobilisation of resources and technical assistance for the implementation of SLCP measures including identifying key issues in SLCP pollutant sectors and increasing capacity for stakeholder relations Increase capacity of the Climate Change Division for integrated air pollution and climate change analysis using LEAP-IC tool Support the identification of additional funding for activities within the National Action Plan in collaboration with relevant MDAs Related documents Awareness Materials 2016 Factsheet: National Action Planning on SLCPs in Nigeria Download Download CCAC-SNAP-Factsheet-Nigeria.pdf en Added on: 16 September, 2016 Policies, Plans & Regulations 2018 Highlights of the National Action Plan To Reduce Short-lived Climate Pollutants In Nigeria Download Download National SLCP Plan for Nigeria.pdf en Added on: 06 December, 2018 Policies, Plans & Regulations 2019 Nigeria’s National Action Plan to reduce short-lived climate pollutants Download Download NIGERIA'S NATIONAL ACTION PLAN TO REDUCE SHORT-LIVED CLIMATE POLLUTANTS.pdf en Added on: 10 July, 2019 Executive Summary NIGERIA'S NATIONAL ACTION PLAN TO REDUCE SHORT-LIVED CLIMATE POLLUTANTS.pdf en Added on: 12 June, 2019
Year 2015 2020 Beneficiary Nigeria Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Nigeria, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations (IUAPPA)
Awareness Materials 2016 Factsheet: National Action Planning on SLCPs in Nigeria Download Download CCAC-SNAP-Factsheet-Nigeria.pdf en Added on: 16 September, 2016
Policies, Plans & Regulations 2018 Highlights of the National Action Plan To Reduce Short-lived Climate Pollutants In Nigeria Download Download National SLCP Plan for Nigeria.pdf en Added on: 06 December, 2018
Policies, Plans & Regulations 2019 Nigeria’s National Action Plan to reduce short-lived climate pollutants Download Download NIGERIA'S NATIONAL ACTION PLAN TO REDUCE SHORT-LIVED CLIMATE POLLUTANTS.pdf en Added on: 10 July, 2019 Executive Summary NIGERIA'S NATIONAL ACTION PLAN TO REDUCE SHORT-LIVED CLIMATE POLLUTANTS.pdf en Added on: 12 June, 2019