Image [media_placeholder] Opportunities to transition to clean household energy in Togo Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Opportunities To Transition To Clean Household Energy In Togo Year 2021 2024 Beneficiary Togo Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners World Health Organization (WHO) Togo's energy consumption comes mainly from three sources: biomass, petroleum products, and electricity. The consumption of biomass comes entirely from internal resources within the country. Firewood amounts to 99% of primary energy production, and more than 36% of firewood is used by households for cooking. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2019, only 9.3% of the Togolese population use clean technologies for cooking. In 2016 there were approximately 6,600 premature deaths from household air pollution in Togo, with most due to lower respiratory infections. To address the household energy needs in Togo, the national government requested support from the CCAC to conduct an assessment using the WHO Household Energy Assessment Rapid Tool (HEART), a template for evaluating the national-level household energy context. The information from this assessment is compiled into a comprehensive report to inform strategies for promoting cleaner household energy. ObjectivesThe objectives of the HEART Assessment are: Assess the current state of household energy consumption, the extent of air pollution, and its impact on health Analyze the consumption of clean energy ensuring safety in households Provide tools to create or assess policies that increase access to and use of clean energy by households Formulate a roadmap followed by recommendations for the development of national standards for Togo What we're doing The HEART Assessment is conducted in two major steps: First, the stakeholders engaged in the household energy, air pollution, and related health sectors are mapped. Information regarding the scope of work of these stakeholders, their responsibilities and perceptions, mechanisms for coordination, and any gaps are gathered. Second, a rapid situational assessment is conducted to determine current household energy use (particularly for cooking, heating, and lighting), the impacts on health, and existing energy, health, or other relevant programmes. This situational assessment builds a foundational understanding that will inform and enable future clean household energy planning. Tags Regions Africa Pollutants (SLCPs) Black carbon Themes Household Energy Related projects Togo - National planning on short-lived climate pollutants
Year 2021 2024 Beneficiary Togo Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners World Health Organization (WHO)