Image [media_placeholder] Pakistan - Deliver a National Methane Action Roadmap Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Pakistan - Deliver a National Methane Action Roadmap Year 2022 2025 Beneficiary Pakistan Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Clean Air Asia, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) RationalePakistan is the 7th largest methane emitter globally and is the 3rd largest methane-emitting country to have signed the Global Methane Pledge. The majority of Pakistan's methane emission occur in the agriculture sector that contributes 22.7% to the country's GDP, and this is therefore a specific focus for methane mitigation planning. Pakistan has already included methane mitigation within its NDC. Pakistan is also a data poor country that limits planning and operations of sectors like waste – another major contributor to methane emission that goes unquantified and hence, unregulated. Institutional arrangement and policies for waste management exist however, the capacity to identify and adopt the appropriate technology to achieve effective waste minimisation is limited. Pakistan's NDC also prioritises the adoption of circular economy model, hence strengthening methane emission inventory and developing an informed roadmap will contribute to overcoming data and capacity limitations. This project will support Pakistan’s Ministry of Climate Change in developing a methane roadmap building on previous CCAC projects and contribute to achieving the Global Methane Pledge. ObjectivesThis project aims to: Increase the Government of Pakistan's capacity for national greenhouse gas emissions inventory development.Assist the Government of Pakistan to include SLCP mitigation measures in its NDC implementation plan and inventory development process.Develop a methane roadmap that can be endorsed by the Government of Pakistan. ActivitiesTo achieve these objectives the project will:Develop a methane roadmap including:Capacity building workshops and support tools to train relevant people in the Ministry of Climate Change on the development of a national greenhouse gas emissions inventory for methane emitting sectors that will support Pakistan’s future reporting under the UNFCCC on Pakistan’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation. This includes training on refined data methodologies.A methane mitigation assessment for key priority measures, including an assessment of the institutional arrangements, the policy and regulatory environment, the cost of implementation, and a monitoring and evaluation framework for methane mitigation as a contribution to the preparation of Pakistan’s NDC implementation plans. An ongoing LEAP-IBC analysis could be used as input.A portfolio of project ideas for methane mitigation in Pakistan considering the inputs generated by the mitigation assessment.Project reference: Pakistan - Deliver a National Methane Action Roadmap [PK-22-002] Project updates Project update National policy and planning 2024 Long-term SLCP Planning Accumulates Benefits for Pakistan Related documents 2023 MRAP Workshop Virtual Workshop Series - Building Block 4 - Waste
Year 2022 2025 Beneficiary Pakistan Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Clean Air Asia, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Project update National policy and planning 2024 Long-term SLCP Planning Accumulates Benefits for Pakistan