Image [media_placeholder] Peru - Boosting GHG reduction by linking waste management and protein production through insect technology Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Peru - Boosting GHG Reduction By Linking Waste Management and Protein Production Through Insect Technology Year 2022 2024 Beneficiary Peru Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Grupo GEA This project aims to develop a viable and scalable technological concept to extract organic waste fraction from MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) and transform it to valuable protein in insect farms. The objective is to adapt Black Solider Fly (BSF) insect technology, which is already a proven waste treatment solution in other regions of the world, to the local context by means of a scalable concept of insect farms. The by-products of organic waste treatment are highly demanded commodities, and their production will contribute to the sustainable transformation of the agricultural sector. In addition, the protein products of BSF insect farms are high-value animal feed. Separate organic waste collection is not common in Latin America, and more than 95% of municipal organic waste is landfilled or ends up in open dumpsites and causes negative environmental impacts like methane emission, leakage, and air pollution. Separate collection of organic waste and its adequate treatment, for example through composting, has shown to be difficult to implement due to local restrictions, the lack of markets for the by-products, and other reasons. Composting is rarely a cost-competitive solution, and subsidies hardly exist for such projects. Work carried out under this project supports the methane emissions reduction target from poorly managed landfills set in Peru's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Project reference: Peru: linking waste management and protein production through insect technology [PE-21-001] Objectives Diversion of organic waste towards a BSF insect protein treatment plant instead of landfilling without treatment More investment channeled towards BSF insect technology projects as a sustainable and profitable alternative for organic waste management Empowerment and capacity building of public entities, municipalities, and other key stakeholders relevant to the solid waste sector to use the BSF insect technology WHY WE'RE DOING THIS WORKLatin America is one of the most urbanized regions in the world, with approximately 81% of the population living in cities. For many reasons, management of the organic waste stream from municipal solid waste in Latin America is almost non-existent except for some composting projects. Absence of separation of waste at source has been one of the main challenges in the region. In the city of Lima, solid waste in its majority is sent to landfills, and recycling is conducted in an informal way for the most valuable waste fractions. The situation is similar for the district of Independencia in Lima. The anaerobic decomposition of organic waste generates methane. Organic waste is a substantial percentage of the municipal waste in developing countries. In the district of Independencia, about 54% of the waste is comprised of the organic fraction, and all waste is disposed of at the sanitary landfill "El Zapallal" located in the north of Lima city. The treatment of organic waste is costly, and most options are not seen as profitable solutions for biowaste management. In many countries, organic waste is dumped in open dumps and rudimentary landfills. The practice of organic waste diversion is not common, which makes it necessary to demonstrate that diverting organic waste from landfills for its valorization is key to reducing methane from the waste sector. The proof of economic viability (independent from subsidies) in this project will be a game changer for organic waste treatment in the region. Due to the high percentage of organic waste in MSW (>50%) in the region, the impact for the reduction of methane, a greenhouse gas, will be remarkably high. The development of these farms will take place in Latin American cities. The cities in the region have similar characteristics and waste management systems, which is why the proposed solution, to be developed for the district of Independencia in Lima, Peru, will be easily replicable in other cities of Latin America. What We're Doing Compile information on the current organic waste streams and treatment practices of nine municipalities (part of the commonwealth of Lima Norte) and create a baseline report, which will include the current SLCP waste emission estimates of the area. Develop a concept design for modular scalable insect (Black Soldier Fly) technology plant for the treatment of organic waste in the target area. Assess the technical and economic feasibility of the insect technology plant for the treatment of organic waste. Conduct training for decision makers and local experts performed on the findings of the feasibility study. Develop two training kits, one to spread know-how regarding the capabilities of insect technology and another on how best to implement an organic waste treatment solution based on insect technology. Conduct capacity building sessions using the training kits. Develop digital communication material about BSF technology, the feasibility study and its results and their dissemination through online platforms. Project updates Project update Waste 2024 CCAC Case Study: Linking Waste Management and Protein Production Through Insect Technology Project update Waste 2023 Up-Cycling Lima's Organic Waste with Black Soldier Fly Technology Project update Waste 2021 Inspired by Chile’s National Organic Waste Strategy, Peru Aims to Transform the Sector
Project update Waste 2024 CCAC Case Study: Linking Waste Management and Protein Production Through Insect Technology
Project update Waste 2021 Inspired by Chile’s National Organic Waste Strategy, Peru Aims to Transform the Sector