Image [media_placeholder] Philippines - Deliver a national rice sub-sector strategy for SLCP mitigation Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Philippines - Deliver a National Rice Sub-sector Strategy For SLCP Mitigation Year 2024 2027 Beneficiary Philippines Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Clean Air Asia, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) RationaleRice is a critical crop for food security and agricultural employment in the Philippines. In 2021, it produced methane emissions of 2.6 Million Tonnes, 1.2 million of which are estimated to come from rice agriculture.To help achieve the Philippines' target of 97% rice self-sufficiency by 2028 and promote environmental sustainability, the project aims to develop a strategy and set out mechanisms to operationalise mitigation measures and practices, policies, economic instruments, and institutional arrangements to mitigate SLCPs in the rice sub-sector in the country.ObjectivesThis project aims to:Enable the Government of the Philippines to endorse the Rice Sub-Sector Strategy.Support the Government of the Philippines to integrate SLCP reduction targets and/or mitigation measures for the agriculture sector in its 2025 updated NDC.Improve the capacity of relevant government ministries in planning and monitoring by the end of the project. ActivitiesTo achieve these objectives, the project will:Work with the government authorities to engage a core group of stakeholders to identify key issues and provide inputs to the strategy.Conduct a workshop to sensitise stakeholders and to set the vision for sustainable rice production and SLCP mitigation.Review legal frameworks and rice production systems in key regions and consult stakeholders to validate findings.Conduct surveys on the implementation costs of measures involving key stakeholders such as farmers will be conducted. Integrate results of existing emission inventories to update the TIER 2 emissions inventory of the agriculture sector.Analyse mitigation scenarios and co-benefits to climate and air quality, health, and economy. Facilitate linkages with donors to inform the preparation of potential bankable projects.Organise co-creation and consultation workshops to define the strategy and action plan. Collaborate with government authorities to provide technical input to the scenario development, assessment of mitigation options, and updating of PAMs and the NDC text relevant to the agriculture sector. Conduct capacity mapping, training needs assessments, and providing recommendations for institutional strengthening to enable government agencies to implement climate-resilient agricultural technologies and manage SLCPs. Project Reference: [PH-24-002] Philippines - Deliver a national rice sub-sector strategy for SLCP mitigation
Year 2024 2027 Beneficiary Philippines Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Clean Air Asia, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)