Philippines – Finalize the Philippine's National Plan on SLCPs 


The Philippines is taking ambitious action to address air pollution and climate change in the context of broader sustainable development priorities. The Philippines is highly vulnerability to climate change and related extreme weather events. 

The energy and transport sectors are the most sources drivers of emissions, with emissions from electricity and heat as major contributors, followed by transport.  

The Philippines submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution to the UNFCCC in April 2021 which outlined mitigation targets committed to reduce emissions by 75% from agriculture, energy, transport, water, industries, and forestry between 2020-2030. The NDC necessitates those measures are based on sustained capacity building for reduction of emissions, coordinated programs within and across levels, and enhanced access to financing.

The National Strategy to Reduce SLCPs from the Municipal Solid Waste Sector, developed by IGES, identified baseline emissions from GHGs and black carbon equivalent to 5.43 million tCO2e. That Strategy will help the Philippines make progress on its commitment to reduce anthropogenic methane emissions by at least 30% by 2030 under the Global Methane Pledge. 

As a member of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition, the Philippines is committed to reduce SLCPs. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources, through the leadership of Climate Change Service, has initiated an SLCP national action planning process to enhance national capacity for action to reduce SLCPs, create national and regional awareness on SLCPs among relevant stakeholders, and leverage financial support for SLCP mitigation and NDC implementation programs. However, challenges remain in terms of capacities to undertake emission inventory, mitigation assessment and integrated planning.

Overcoming these challenges to mobilise resources efficiently will harness maximum co-benefits of collective actions. This project will advance national action on short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) in the Philippines’ Department of Environment and Natural Resources, building on the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).


This project aims to:

  • Develop a National Action Plan on SLCPs that includes the quantification of emission reduction potentials and implementation plans to achieve the Global Methane Pledge, which can be endorsed by the Government of The Philippines.



To achieve these objectives the project will:

  • Set up a project team and identify technical staff across both the DENR and CCC who will be trained and supported to develop the SLCP emission inventory and mitigation assessment.
  • Hold a workshop to identify and bring together key stakeholders relevant for SLCP mitigation including the CCC, the DENR, and other relevant departments.
  • Prepare for a LEAP training workshop, including data mapping and collection to ensure that the workshop is tailored to the Philippines.  
  • Host a second LEAP training workshop to introduce the technical team to SLCP emission inventory development and mitigation assessment analysis, with follow-up technical meetings to develop SLCP emission inventory and mitigation assessment, including data collection, modelling methodologies, and key assumptions.
  • Finalise national SLCP emission inventory for all sectors.
  • Engage stakeholders to identify priority SLCP mitigation measures which are aligned with national development priorities and other national plans.
  • Finalise the SLCP emission mitigation assessment with model documentation and a technical report on LEAP analysis.
  • Develop outline for the Plan based on results from technical assessment and aligned with the country's commitment under the GMP. 
  • Prepare draft methane roadmap, including key building blocks necessary for methane mitigation planning, i.e., priority measures and implementation pathways  
  • Develop a finalised National Action Plan on SLCPs that includes:
    • Linkages to other climate change planning processes, review existing processes and plans, and finalise national plan on SLCPs.
    • The quantification of the emissions reduction potentials of the relevant NDC measures.
    • Implementation plans for measures to achieve the country’s commitment under the Global Methane Pledge (GMP).


Project reference: Philippines – Finalise the Philippine's National Plan on SLCPs [PH-22-001]