Togo – Build national planning capacity to implement and monitor priority SLCP and methane mitigation measures


Togo has made substantial progress in defining SLCP targets and mitigation priorities, including an SLCP Plan and an integrated GHG, SLCP and air pollution mitigation assessment that became the basis for substantially enhancing Togo's Nationally Determined Contribution, which contains priority SLCP mitigation measures, and emission reductions from NDC implementation.   

However, the NDC revision process is not the end of Togo's SLCP planning. Togo joined the Global Methane Pledge and needs to now outline its contribution to achieving this pledge. Measures included in the NDC require implementation and to be monitored for the benefits of SLCP mitigation to be realised. 

Also, the policies and measures scheduled after 2030 need to be evaluated to identify opportunities to further increase SLCP mitigation ambition. This project will therefore build on the SLCP Plan and NDC revision processes by enhancing existing tools (Togo's LEAP model) to assess SLCP mitigation in the short, medium, and long-term as well as the development of a methane roadmap on key aspects of methane mitigation planning.

This project aims to assist the Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources in implementing its short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) mitigation priorities building on building on previous CCAC projects.



The project aims to: 

  • Increase the capacity of the Government of Togo’s and key national experts to assess and model their SLCP emissions, to prioritise and implement SLCP mitigation measures, and to track progress in alignment with the revised NDC.
  • Develop a methane roadmap that can be endorsed by the Government of Togo.
  • Assist the Government of Togo to secure funding for SLCP action.



To achieve these objectives the project will:  

  • Train to sectoral experts on planning actions to reduce methane and other SLCPs.
  • Train to experts to use the LEAP-IBC tool with the aim to:
    • Include SLCPs into greenhouse gas emission inventories during implementation of Togo’s revised NDC
    • Assess mitigation priorities and monitor progress in the implementation of mitigation measures 
    • Update LEAP analysis in key sectors, including developing emissions projections and assessing cost of implementation
    • Enable a national team to update the analysis in the future
  • Develop a monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) framework for methane and other SLCP actions.
  • Integrate SLCPs and methane reduction into Togo's revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation plans by estimation of costs of mitigation measures and integration of SLCPs into MRV and transparency reports. 
  • Improve Togo's greenhouse inventory for methane from the main sources: Energy, Agriculture, Waste
  • Develop a methane roadmap following a CCAC-agreed methodology CCAC Secretariat which is aligned with the national SLCP plan and NDC implementation plans. This will include an assessment of the methane mitigation potential and the cost and benefits of measures in the Energy, Agriculture, Waste sectors.
  • Develop a portfolio of project proposals for implementing priority mitigation measures, considering the inputs generated by the mitigation assessment to be submitted to the national budget, funding agencies, and international donors.


Project Reference: Togo – Build national planning capacity to implement and monitor priority SLCP and methane mitigation measures [TG-22-001]


Pollutants (SLCPs)