Event Documents

Advancing Climate Action in Agriculture and Food Systems (CCAC-hosted West African workshop)


The first part of the event features the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) work that promotes ambitious and directed inclusion of agriculture and food systems in enhanced NDCs, and a policy paper produced by WRI and Oxfam. The paper aims to help countries think through the process of enhancing their NDCs to include strengthened actions in the agriculture sector, including short-lived climate pollutant commitments. The paper underscores the need for a tailor-made approach to NDC enhancement that is suited to a country’s unique set of circumstances. A broad range of actions are identified that can benefit adaptation and mitigation imperatives in the agriculture sector, if the right enabling environment is in place. It offers practical examples for how these actions may be included in an enhanced NDC. 

The second part of the event showcases examples from West African countries demonstrating how more ambitious action across agriculture and food systems can help achieve the Paris Agreement’s goals for addressing climate change in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty. Nigeria shares details of its National Action Plan on SLCPs, and how this will be implemented to reduce emissions and contribute to an enhanced NDC as a regional example. Ivory Coast shares progress in the implementation of agricultural SLCP measures. Senegal shares its experience transitioning to low-carbon agriculture. 

The third part of the event features presentations from projects and initiatives to show actions that can support country efforts to enhance agricultural climate action.

Watch the recording

Speakers & agenda

 Introduction, Lini Wollenberg, CCAFS-CGIAR, Facilitator (5 mins)

SEGMENT 1: NDCs and Agriculture – Wins for Farmers and Wins for the Environment (27 mins)

CCAC Agriculture Initative´s work on enhancing agricultural climate ambition, Martial Bernoux, FAO, Lead Partner, CCAC Agriculture Initiative (7 mins)

Policy paper ‘NDC Enhancement: Opportunities in Agriculture’: Key recommendations, Azara Ramalia Sanogo, Oxfam´s food and Climate Justic Lead for West Africa, and Laurel Pegorsch, Oxfam America (10 mins)

Supporting National Action Planning on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP): Evaluating SLCP Mitigation Measures in the Agriculture Sector in Nigeria, Chris Malley, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and Dr. David Omotosho, John Davison Associated (10 mins)

SEGMENT 2: Panel – Country Experiences on enhancing agricultural climate ambition (55 mins)

Introduction to panel,  Catalina Etcheverry, CCAC Secretariat (5 mins)

Nigeria: National Action Plan on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs) and Agricultural measures identified (30 mins)

  • Planning Process, Bala Bappa, CCAC National Coordinator, Nigeria
  • Land Use and Climate Change, Cyril Bikom, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD)
  • Animal Husbandry Services, Hakeem Ibilade, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD)
  • Rice Value Chain, Dr. Fatima Aliyu, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD)
  • Veterinary and Pest Control Services, Dr. Elimi Floers, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD)

Ivory Coast: Implementation of the agricultural SLCP measures under the National Action Plan on SLPCs, Benjamin Brida, CCAC Coordinator, Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development (10 mins)

Senegal: Transition to low carbon agriculture, Lamine Diatta, Division of Climate Change, Agriculture, Forestry and AFOLU Lead, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (10 mins)

SEGMENT 3: Panel – Implementation of agricultural climate action (35 mins)

Introduction to panel,  Lini Wollenberg, CCAFS-CGIAR, (5 mins)

Results from Open Burning Mapping in Nigeria, Jessica McCarty, University of Miami and ICCI (10 mins)

GRA Strategy Africa, Achim Mwape, New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre (NZAGRC) (10 mins)

Sustainable Rice Platform, Wyn Ellis, Executive Director, SRP (10 mins)

SEGMENT 4: Q&A and wrap up (30 mins)