Reports, Case Studies & Assessments

GEO-6 Assessment for the Pan European Region


The sixth Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6) Assessment for the pan-European region highlights the state and trends of the environment and enhances the science-policy dialogue underpinning the policy and decision-making processes in the region.

The GEO-6 Assessment for the pan-European region is built on existing national, sub-regional and thematic assessments, including The European environment - state and outlook 2015 report (EEA 2015a) produced by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in 2015.

The regional assessment is structured in four main chapters:

  • Chapter 1 provides the regional context and priorities, and analyses the two over-arching themes in the context of the pan-European region.
  • Chapter 2 establishes the state of the environment in the region following the five regional priorities and, in addition, the two thematic areas of coastal, marine and oceans, and of land. This chapter also analyses the key trends for each environmental theme and assesses policy responses in the region.
  • Chapter 3 presents opportunities and options to strengthen environmental governance in the pan- European region, taking into account its potential role as an enabler to support the transition towards an inclusive green economy.
  • Chapter 4 reviews the main trends that will affect the region’s environment in the future and suggests outlooks for the region to achieve a more sustainable future.