Reports, Case Studies & Assessments

Green Freight and Logistics Policy Development in the Philippines: Assessing Freight Transportation in Support of a National Green Freight Programme


In recent years, the freight and logistics sector of the Philippines has been growing steadily along with the national economy. As most of the freight transport activity is road-based, the sector’s growth increases greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transport sector. Therefore, initiatives to improve the overall efficiency of the sector are imperative, especially to mitigate negative environmental impacts. Greening freight transport logistics can help decouple transport impacts from economic growth. A crucial part of this is to ensure that goods are transported efficiently and with the least emissions.

This study provides an overview of the freight and logistics sector and lays out the next steps to develop a Green Freight Programme in the Philippines, in Sections 1 and 2, respectively. Section 3 contains a review of existing policies in the freight transport sector and other relevant development plans, and a discussion about the roles of each stakeholder in advancing the improvement of freight and logistics.