Guidelines & Tools Handbook on measuring greenhouse gas emissions from paddy rice fields in Vietnam Published 2016 Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Download Download 2016_Guidelines on measuring GHG emissions from paddy rice fields in Vietnam_Government of Vietnam.pdf en Added on: 06 February, 2018 Breadcrumb Home Resource Library Handbook On Measuring Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Paddy Rice Fields In Vietnam This "Handbook for Measuring Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) in Rice Cultivation" was developed to support Vietnam to define the emission structure of the rice sector, and to identify the appropriate measures to reduce GHG emissions, specifically methane. With the use of this handbook, the intended users will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills on the system of GHG measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV), leading to the establishment of a more accurate national GHG inventory in the country. This guidance will be especially helpful in developing mitigation activities that are aligned with Vietnam's Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs). The handbook was comissioned by Vietnam's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Developed (MARD) spearheaded by the Institute for Agricultural Environment (IAE) with inputs from the International Rice Research Insititute (IRRI), Winrock International, and SNV-Vietnam. It received a seal of approval and endorsement from the Deputy Minister of MARD, Le Quoc Doanh on 22 November 2016. Authors Vietnam Related partners Vietnam