Guidelines & Tools

A Handbook for Schools on Organic Waste Management


A handbook for schools on waste management focused on the organic fraction which aims to:

  • Emphasize the important role that schools play as a waste generator as well as an educational agent sensitizing the future generations on solid waste management; demonstrate the potential for reduction of waste and GHG emissions from schools through source separation, reuse, and recycling of organic waste.
  • Empower teachers and school directors by providing technical knowledge on waste and particularly on organic waste management: characteristics, treatment techniques, challenges, and benefits;
  • Present cases of schools in Sao Paulo that have been successful in managing  the organic fraction of their waste;
  • Encourage schools that do not yet take actions to start activities regarding managing waste particularly the organic fraction;
  • Spread waste management education wide across schools in Sao Paulo and eventually in others countries by providing a handbook in a comprehensive approach

The target audience of the Handbook is teachers who intend to introduce the topic of recycling organics by means of composting in schools, but also to improve the separation of quality dry recyclables.
It provides a general overview about the opportunities and possibilities to teach about composting, practical information about how to sort organic waste in schools and how to manage the composting process with children between 3 and 14 years old.

The Handbook is also available in Portuguese.