Guidelines & Tools

Inventory and Assessment Tool in Colombia - black carbon and other pollutant emissions from the brick sector


This report (in Spanish) analyzes the brick-making sector in Colombia at the country level. Its aim is to enable policy makers to make first order assessment of problems related to brick production. The assessment tool and inventory in Colombia were achieved through the following activities:

  • A methodology was developed for the collection of secondary information in priority regions in five departments of Colombia (see links below), and a report of the Assessment on Existing Inventory and data was completed and validated.
  • A protocol of existing data assessment in Colombia was produced through the evaluation of current practices and definitions of how to determine measurements of emissions from brick production-based on current Colombian government regulations.
  • A baseline report and inventory of the bricks sector in Colombia was prepared.


Access links below:

  1. Validated inventory of the brick sector in Colombia 
  2. Supporting documents 


Regional measurement work conducted in Colombia in: