Guidelines & Tools National Methane Roadmap Template Workbook Published 2023 Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Download Download M-RAP Roadmap Workbook - Working Final.docx en Added on: 14 February, 2023 Breadcrumb Home Resource Library National Methane Roadmap Template Workbook CCAC Methane Roadmap Action Programme (M-RAP) supports countries to develop Methane Action Plans and implementation Roadmaps detailing their commitment to mitigate methane, and how this commitment will be achieved. The M-RAP acknowledges that countries are not at the same stage in their methane mitigation planning, and that there is not one way in which methane mitigation ambition, and planning can be communicated. Instead, the M-RAP aims to support countries in achieving the core building blocks of methane mitigation planning described in the Methane Roadmap Template. This Workbook for the M-RAP National Roadmap Template is designed to help countries systematically work through the core elements of their National Methane Roadmaps. The M-RAP National Roadmap Template is a working document which will continue to be improved and refined based on feedback from users and as new resources and good practice examples are identified. If you would like to suggest changes or submit examples or resources, please send your contributions to nathan.borgford-parnell [at] Authors Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Related projects Methane Roadmap Action Programme (M-RAP)