Event Documents The Pathway to the Paris Targets Matters - event presentations Published 2018 Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Download Download 2018_Integrated-analysis-lessons-learnt-in-Norway.pdf en Added on: 07 May, 2018 2018_Maximum-Pathway-in-practice_Ghana.pdf en Added on: 07 May, 2018 2018_NDC_Enhancement_WRI.pdf en Added on: 07 May, 2018 2018_Pathway-to-Paris-Targets-for-Bonn_SEI.pdf en Added on: 07 May, 2018 Breadcrumb Home Resource Library The Pathway To The Paris Targets Matters - Event Presentations These presentations were used during the event, "The Pathway to the Paris Targets Matters", held during the UNFCCC forty-eighth sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 48). This side event explored the consequences delaying near term climate action will have on the development aspirations of countries, and the benefits of following a path toward the long-term Paris targets that limits the rate of increase of global warming, reduces air pollution impacts on human health and avoids losses to agricultural productivity. The session will explore the application and benefits of the Multiple Benefits Pathway Approach currently being developed and tested by the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) and its partners. The Multiple Benefits Pathway Approach and accompanying tools give countries, regions, and communities the power to define nationally appropriate strategies which provide climate mitigation while multiple benefits for air quality, health, and food security. Speakers: Nathan Borgford-Parnell, Climate and Clean Air Coalition Secretariat - Introduction to the CCAC focus on the Pathway Johan Kuylenstierna, SEI – Why the Pathway Matters Vigdis Vestreng, Norwegian Environment Agency– Norway's experience with assessments of climate effects in the near- and long term Daniel Benefor Tutu, Ghana EPA – Application of the Multiple Benefits Pathway Approach in Ghana David Waskow, WRI – The role of the multiple benefits pathway approach for enhancing NDCs Authors Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Ghana Norway Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) World Resources Institute (WRI) Related partners Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Ghana Norway Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) World Resources Institute (WRI) Related events The Pathway to the Paris Targets Matters 4 May, 2018