Reports, Case Studies & Assessments Regional Level Market Analysis of the Construction Sector and Pilot Project based on a Public Policy Portfolio in order to reduce SLCP of Traditional Brickyards in México Published 2017 Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Download Download Executive summary brickyards VF.pdf en Added on: 16 January, 2017 Final report_pub.pdf en Added on: 16 January, 2017 Resumen ejecutivo ladrilleras VF.pdf es Added on: 16 January, 2017 2017_Regional-Market-Analysis-Construction-Sector-Brickyards-Mexico_CIATEC.pdf es Added on: 18 January, 2017 Breadcrumb Home Resource Library Regional Level Market Analysis of The Construction Sector and Pilot Project Based On a Public Policy Portfolio In Order To Reduce SLCP of Traditional Brickyards In México This study aims to raise the level of knowledge about Mexico's construction sector through a market analysis of construction materials like block, extruded brick and handcrafted ”ladrillo”. It also provides a portfolio of public policy instruments to meet the needs different producers, in particular artisanal brick makers, and helps lay the groundwork for designing a pilot project. The study was carried out to answer the following questions: What is the future of artisanal production of clay brick in Mexico? What alternative products are competing with it in the market? What is the best strategy to boost the modernization of the sector? The scope of the study was national and the analysis of artisanal brick production is focuses on seven states that together account for 58% of the country's brickyards: Hidalgo, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Morelos State of Mexico, Mexico City, Jalisco and Guanajuato. It was made possible with funding from the CCAC. Authors Mexico Tags Themes Brick production Pollutants (SLCPs) Black carbon Regions Latin America and the Caribbean Related partners Mexico