Reports, Case Studies & Assessments

A Technical, Economic and Environmental Analysis of the Flaring Mitigation Opportunity for Operator 1 at Site 1


Three flare gas measurement campaigns sponsored by Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) were conducted in Colombia during the periods of 10 to 14 July 2017, and 8 to 12 July and 15 to 19 July 2019, respectively. Eight flaring oil and gas production facilities (Sites 1 to 8) were surveyed during these campaigns. Each site was nominated by its operator for inclusion in the study based on an objective screening process. A site was selected either because it was known to have large flaring rates, or because it was deemed representative of highly replicable flaring reduction opportunities.

The results have been processed to evaluate potential high-impact opportunities to cost effectively reduce flaring and associated black carbon (BC) emissions. A prefeasibility assessment of the practical mitigation options applicable to each flaring reduction opportunity was performed to determine the optimum mitigation solution. At least two of these opportunities have been advanced to the to the refined business case level for consideration by the operator and potential financiers.

A separate report is provided for each site to provide a standalone assessment of its flaring reduction opportunity and to allow easy promotion of the opportunity. This report presents the results for Site 1 operated by Operator 1. The facility at this site is a central heavy oil treating and blending plant. It uses a light condensate-like solvent to manage the viscosity of the produced heavy oil during the treating process and the final sales oil stream. The sales oil leaves the site by pipeline. The facility and the associated upstream operations purchase electricity from the electric utility grid. There is no nearby gas gathering systems.

Both an anonymized and unanonymized version of this report has been prepared in both English and Spanish. The anonymized version is for presentation to the CCAC and the unanonymized version is for presentation to the operator