Reports, Case Studies & Assessments

Technological pathways towards the ratification of the amended Gothenburg Protocol in Serbia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Montenegro and Armenia

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The Task Force on Techno-Economic Issues (TFTEI) under the Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) has developed six case studies to explore the possible “Technological Pathways towards the Ratification of the amended Gothenburg Protocol (AGP), in some EECCA and SEE countries”, as a preparatory phase for discussions on barriers occurred in 2022 during the AGP review period (at the forty-second session of the Executive Body (EB) in December 2022), and also as informal technical information to support the discussions on the review of the sufficiency and effectiveness of the Gothenburg Protocol, which took place at the sixty-first meeting of the Working Group of Strategies and Review in September 2023. The consolidated version of the document made available for the forty-fourth session of the Executive Body in December 2024. 

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