Event Documents

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 74/212: International Day of Clean Air for blue skies


The United Nations General Assembly resolution 74/212 to hold an International Day of Clean Air for blue skies during its 74th session and invited the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to facilitate the observance of the International Day, in collaboration with other relevant organizations.

The International Day of Clean Air for blue skies will be held every September 7. The first day will be celebrated in 2020. 

The Day aims to:

  1. Raise public awareness at all levels—individual, community, corporate and government—that clean air is important for health, productivity, the economy and the environment.
  2. Demonstrate the close link of air quality to other environmental/developmental challenges such as – most and foremost – climate change and the global Sustainable Development Goals.  
  3. Promote and facilitate solutions that improve air quality by sharing actionable knowledge best practices, innovations, and success stories.
  4. Bring together diverse international actors working on this topic to form a strategic alliance to gain momentum for concerted national, regional and international approaches for effective air quality management.


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