Annual report: 2021-2022

Our partners' actions and Coalition-Funded results from August 2021 to July 2022


This Annual Report provides a snapshot of the results the CCAC partnership has achieved together for the period of July 2021 - July 2022. The report covers a year of transformation and growth in which the CCAC began to lay the foundation for achieving our new and ambitious 2030 Strategy, including new support mechanisms implemented, strengthened short-lived climate pollutant science, high-level engagement and a record number of projects launched.  

New laws enacted in Colombia and Kenya are examples of how our financial and technical support can, over time, lead to concrete and lasting impacts. The increasing number of countries including short-lived climate pollutants in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) is an indication that the dual climate change mitigation and local development opportunities of SLCP action are widely recognized. And our latest scientific assessments have highlighted further opportunities for fast action ahead of this year’s Conference of the Parties (COP27). 

We feature some of these results, and the partners driving them, below.

Peter Dery, Ghana | CCAC Co-Chair

With our new 2030 Strategy the CCAC is building on a wealth of past achievements. A key achievement has been the Coalition’s support to developing countries to plan, build capacity, take action to reduce short-lived climate pollutants, and demonstrate the positive impacts these efforts have on the Sustainable Development Goals. As the CCAC begins to implement the 2030 Strategy, we call on all partners for their support. Supporting the CCAC will unlock much greater action for climate, air quality and development priorities and contribute to actions to achieving the Paris Agreement.

Peter Dery, Ghana | CCAC Co-Chair

This past year has set us up to deliver fast action and achieve our 2030 objectives together. We have expanded the partnership to help implement the goals of the Global Methane Pledge. We've raised $40 million for implementation of the CCAC's priorities. We've launched 48 projects to support national policy and planning and sectoral mitigation. We're moving faster. We need pick up the pace even more, because the topic requires that we work together at a faster clip to get to our shared objects for 2030.

Rick Duke, USA | CCAC Co-Chair


In 2021, CCAC partners adopted an ambitious but achievable 2030 Strategy to put the world back on path to achieving meeting the Paris Agreement goal of limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

In 2022, the CCAC began to deliver this strategy, increasing our focus on national action, supporting targeted sectoral interventions through our Hubs, and continuing to provide cutting-edge scientific research. New partners joined the Coalition, committing to reduce short-lived climate pollutants, and donors announced new contributions and pledges to support the CCAC Board’s $150 million goal.

2021 Climate & Clean Air Ministerial
Million raised

New contributions and pledges will support increased support to countries

Going to projects

Improved efficiency means more funds than ever are going to countries

Countries supported

Countries will receive support through new projects and sponsored experts

State partners

With Cameroon, Nepal, Palau and Senegal joining in 2022

Non-state partners

Comprised of IGOs and NGOs helping drive SLCP action worldwide

Hub participants

29 governments and 61 organizations joined the CCAC’s Hubs launched in 2022


In 2022, the CCAC kicked off its new “expressions of interest” process, collecting requests from 31 state partners to support national policy development and short-lived climate pollutant mitigation.

48 requests were developed into project concepts and announced through two competitive calls for proposals. 14 requests will be addressed by locally recruited national experts who will coordinate SLCP activities within the national government, and three through the CCAC’s Targeted Expert Assistance service. A third call for proposals to support delivery of the CCAC Hub Engagement Strategies closed in November 2022.

Chile-Canada: Citizen workshop on recycling organic waste.
Key actions
calls for proposals completed

Supporting national policy and planning and sectoral mitigation actions

national experts under recruitment

To coordinate government agencies and deliver national SLCP policy and planning support

countries started planning process

Bringing total number supported through the CCAC's policy and planning process to 39

virtual and in-person Hub meetings held

Convening public and private sector actors to deliver the CCAC Engagement Strategies

new projects announced

New projects that will launch in 2022 and Q1 2023

projects approved for funding

Supporting countries to advance national policy and planning

Progress on national policy and planning support

As of August 2022, 39 ODA-eligible state partners are following the CCAC’s National Policy and Planning process. This puts the CCAC well on track to meet its goal of supporting all ODA-eligible state partners by 2025. Select a country below to learn about its planning progress.

Map: Progress in ODA-eligible state partners following the CCAC's national policy and planning process.

Key results
Implementing the Global Methane Pledge 

Assuming our role as core implementer of the Global Methane Pledge, the CCAC began working with participating countries to identify their priorities and needs and help develop mitigation strategies to realize their mitigation commitments. As of August 2022:

  • 14 Methane Roadmaps are under development
  • 5 countries have Methane Action Plans
  • 6 countries have SLCP Action Plans with methane components 
  • 40 more GMP countries are developing Methane Action Plans

3. Advancing policy-relevant science

The CCAC, through our Scientific Advisory Panel and funding for research, continues to produce scientific assessments and guidance to underpin policymaking.

Major assessments released this year strengthened the case for reducing short-lived climate pollutants, including the Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa, which shows how African leaders can act quickly to fight climate change, prevent air pollution, and protect human health and the CCAC-UNEP Methane Baseline report, which highlights the benefits of achieving the Global Methane Pledge.

CCAC-funded methane monitoring in Surat Basin, Australia

Methane Roadmap
programme launched
The programme supports countries to develop Methane Action Plans outlining both their commitment to mitigate methane and how this commitment will be achieved.

Scientific Advisory Panel
Gender parity was reached on the CCAC SAP as it welcomed 3 new members Dr. Chandra Venkataraman, Dr. Sophie Szopa, and Dr. Gabrielle Dreyfus.

Methane technical
assistance provided
The CCAC provided tools and guidance for policy and regulatory support to ensure countries have the resources to support methane mitigation.

Knowledge resources

Global Methane Assessment: 2030 Baseline Report

This report details projections of anthropogenic methane emissions through 2030 under various baseline scenarios and assesses the climate benefits of achieving the Global Methane Pledge target compared to the impacts of those baseline emissions. 



Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa

The Assessment shows how African leaders can act quickly across 5 key areas—transport, residential, energy, agriculture, and waste—to fight climate change, prevent air pollution, and protect human health.



A Study on the Impacts of HFC Consumption Trends in Article 5 Countries

This CCAC commissioned study provides a profile of current and projected hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) consumption in Montreal Protocol Article 5 countries (developing countries) and outlines opportunities for near-term control or reduction of HFC consumption. 



A Practical Guide For Business: Air Pollutant Emission Assessment

A baseline analysis of a company’s global air pollution emissions is a crucial first step for mitigating action. It can also make it possible to undertake health or other impact assessment analyses. This first-of-its-kind guide enables companies to quantify air pollutant emissions along their value chains. 



Emissions Gap Report 2022

The CCAC-UNEP Global Methane Assessment informed the Emissions Gap Report, bringing attention to the urgent need to reduce short-lived climate pollutants.



IPCC Sixth Assessment Report

The CCAC SAP contributed to the latest IPCC report, which amplified the conclusions of the CCAC-UNEP Global Methane Assessment, showing the urgent need to reduce methane in parallel with decarbonization.


4. Driving high-level ambition

For the first time in nearly three years, CCAC partners met in person for our regular governance meetings and at key climate events. The first CCAC-GMI Global Methane, Climate, and Clean Air Forum in Washington D.C. renewed high-level policy, political, and scientific support for global SLCP ambition.

CCAC-hosted side events at Regional Climate Weeks in Africa and Latin American and the Caribbean demonstrated strengthened regional ambition for SLCP mitigation, as clean air topped global agendas.

Climate and Clean Air Coalition and Global Methane Forum participants in Toronto, Canada (2019)
Key events

The Global Methane, Climate and Clean Air Forum 

The CCAC-GMI event brought over a thousand participants together in Washington calling for fast action on SLCPs.  

More information

CCAC 10-Year Anniversary Ministerial meeting

To celebrate 10 years of the CCAC, ministers came together virtually to reflect on our success, announce new funding, and plan for the decade ahead.

More information

SLCPs included in NDC updates

Since 2020 there has been a 45% increase in NDCs which include specific mitigation measures for SLCPs.

More information

African leaders united to tackle methane emissions

African leaders gathered in Gabon for Africa Climate Week for a plenary session on reducing methane emissions on the continent.

More information

SICA countries committed to regional climate and clean air action

8 SICA countries launched the Regional Strategy for Climate Change endorsed by Ministries of Environment and Health in every country.

More information

Clean air became a Human Right

The UN General Assembly passed a historic resolution declaring that everyone on the planet has a right to a healthy environment, including clean air, water, and a stable climate.

More information

5. The Coalition

Martina Otto took over as Head of the CCAC Secretariat in April 2022.  

Martina brings to the role over 25 years of experience in Environmental Policy and Programme Management, with a particular focus on energy, buildings, transport and sustainable cities, as well as partnership building. She is a fully qualified lawyer specialised in environmental law.

CCAC Trust Fund
Key decisions

Gender strategy

The CCAC's first-ever strategy sets out guidelines and steps to include gender perspectives in all aspects of the CCAC’s work, mainstreaming gender in climate and clean air action. 

Find out more

Project funding and monitoring

At its first in-person meeting since the pandemic, the Board approved a new Funding Process and Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy to support implementation of the 2030 Strategy.  

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2023 Workplan & Budget

At $26 million, the CCAC's 2023 budget is the most ambitious yet. More than 90% will go to projects and activities supporting national planning, implementation, and sectoral mitigation.  

Find out more

Investing in climate action

We rely on the support and expertise of our partners to carry out our work. We wish to thank all partners that have contributed to the CCAC Trust Fund to deliver our 2030 Strategy.




Global Methane Hub









United States