Methane Science Dialogue: What does 'net zero' mean for methane?

Pavilion Area: P75 – IASS Potsdam PV23
Sharm el-Sheikh

Methane (CH4) is often overshadowed by CO2, despite the fact that its mitigation is critical to staying within temperature targets. Furthermore, methane's impacts are not well represented by the concept of 'CO2 equivalence’, due to its short atmospheric lifetime. In this Science Dialogue session, we will explore the implications of this and address the question of what 'net zero' means for methane.

Our Science Dialogue will be a facilitated workshop session based on expert inputs from:

  • Dr. Gabrielle Dreyfus, Chief Scientist at the Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development (IGSD) and CCAC Scientific Advisory Panel member
  • Dr. Lena Höglund Isaksson, Senior Researcher at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Questions? Contact Kathleen Mar, IASS: kathleen.mar [at]