CCAC Newsletter – January 2025

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We are pleased to share with you the latest news from the Partnership, as well as information on opportunities for engagement and support. 

CCAC NDC Watch: Latest on Non-CO₂ Pollutants in National Climate Plans

As 2025 progresses towards COP30 in Brazil, the CCAC is closely monitoring the submission of updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Recent submissions indicate a significant increase in the inclusion of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) and air quality considerations. Notably, Brazil has outlined objectives to reduce non-CO₂ greenhouse gases, including methane and nitrous oxide, while emphasizing the importance of mitigating actions that also address air pollution. Similarly, countries like the United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Uruguay, Botswana, the United States, and the United Kingdom have detailed sector-specific targets and highlighted the health benefits of integrated climate and air quality strategies. 

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Guest post: How ‘super pollutants’ harm human health and worsen climate change

By Dr Rachel Huxley, head of mitigation at Wellcome, Dr Drew Shindell, key scientific advisor at the Climate and Clean Air Coalition, Talia Caplan, research manager at Wellcome

’Super pollutants’ are responsible for around 45% of global warming to date. Cutting emissions is seen as one of the quickest ways to tackling climate change and preventing millions of deaths from these pollutants.  

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2025 International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation

The International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation was officially launched on 21 January 2025 by WMO and UNESCO. This year focuses on awareness, inspiring action, and contributing to the preservation of our planet’s glaciers. The launch event featured a high-level session and a series of online side events (recordings here) hosted by Member States and partners.  

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BUGS Project Landing Page is Now Live!

Implemented by the ACEN Foundation, Trinomics, Eclose, and Eawag, the project develops a methodology to assess the feasibility of Black Soldier Fly Technology initiatives to be piloted in the target countries. It also seeks to capture best practices and foster collaboration among stakeholders, mainstreaming BSF farming into waste management, agriculture, and climate-oriented strategies. The project can also contribute to capacity development, job creation and technology transfer. 

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International Day of Clean Energy: Scaling up clean energy for clean cooking

To mark the World Clean Energy Day, the CCAC Secretariat hosted a webinar to share the latest trends, identify opportunities and share experiences from CCAC-funded projects on mitigating black carbon from household energy in Mexico, Uganda, Ghana and Eswatini. 

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How the pact to protect the ozone layer is helping counter climate change

“The Montreal Protocol has helped protect the world from the sun’s deadly ultraviolet radiation,” said Megumi Seki, Executive Secretary of the Ozone Secretariat administered by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). “It is also helping us combat another catastrophe.” 

Here's a closer look at the Montreal Protocol and how it’s countering climate change.

How Uganda’s push for “clean cooking” could save lives and counter climate change 

For many, accessing hot water or cooking a meal at the flick of a switch is taken for granted. Yet more than 2 billion people still rely on burning solid fuels, such as charcoal or kerosene, for cooking. This has catastrophic health impacts, with household air pollution responsible for an estimated 3.2 million deaths per year in 2020, including more than 237,000 fatalities of children under the age of five. 

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As heat records fall, experts call for reductions in this often-overlooked greenhouse gas 

“Nitrous oxide is not as well known by the public as some other greenhouse gases, but it can be a remarkably destructive substance,” says Martina Otto, Head of Secretariat of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition, which is convened by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). “The good news is that with strong policymaking and international cooperation, it is possible to slow emissions of this super pollutant – and save millions of lives around the world.” 

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Regional Advisory Group Launches for NCAPs in MENA 

The UN Environment Programme Cool Coalition in partnership with the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) and supported by the Climate & Clean Air Coalition have launched the Regional Technical Advisory Group for National Cooling Action Plans hashtag NCAPs, a groundbreaking step to integrate sustainable cooling into climate frameworks across the MENA region.

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CCAC Videographer Consultant 

CCAC seeking specialist expertise to create compelling video materials that showcase success stories and actions addressing methane emissions across different sectors and countries. The selected Videographer Consultant will be responsible for producing at least 5 – 6 videos (10 mins and 40-60 second teasers each) as key communication tools to support the upcoming 2025 Global Methane Status Report and related advocacy efforts. 

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