Newsletter: November 2021


The CCAC's first Climate and Clean Air Ministerial, COP26, Glasgow.

Ministers from 46 countries kicked off a new phase of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition by approving the Coalition’s 2030 Strategy, which will see scaled-up efforts to significantly reduce short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs)—methane, HFCs, black carbon, and tropospheric ozone—by 2030.

To kickstart the Coalition's 2030 Strategy, countries pledged an initial $25 million to the CCAC Trust Fund - the first step towards a $150 million goal that will drive emissions reductions.

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Celebrating 10 years of growth and impact

In 2021, the Coalition concluded its first phase of work.

Over the last ten years the Coalition has improved the science behind SLCPs and carried out projects to test and prove the feasibility of available solutions.

Many of our country partners have developed national plans and policies that integrate climate, air quality and development goals, and we continue to build capacity and catalyze action to enable more partners to take action.

Discover our successes in the 2020-2021 Annual Report.

Our partners in action

Nigeria Aims for Methane Cuts, Potentially Averting 30,000 Air Pollution Deaths Every Year

Nigeria’s inclusion of a dedicated section on short-lived climate pollutants makes it one of the most SLCP-focused Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) outside of Latin America.

Harnessing the Law to Slash Methane Emissions in the Oil and Gas Industry

The fossil fuel sector is ripe for opportunity to cut methane emissions. The Coalition’s partners, including Nigeria, Mexico, and the European Commission, are working to improve regulation and policy in the sector.

Inspired by Chile’s National Organic Waste Strategy, Peru Aims to Transform the Sector

The Coaltion's assistance enabled an information exchange with Chile to support policy development, monitoring systems, and the adoption of climate-friendly waste sector practices.

Methane Mitigation Through Manure Management is Key to Successfully Transforming China’s Agricultural Sector

The Coalition supported partners in China to heighten the ambition of the country’s updated NDC, using manure management as a priority strategy for reducing methane. These actions were also included in China’s 14th Five-Year (2021-2025) Plan.

The US, EU, and partners formally launch the Global Methane Pledge

The Coalition will continue to support the Pledge through our Methane Flagship that will work to strengthen high level commitments support action, and scale up financing to reduce methane.

The Drive Towards Soot-Free Buses Accelerates Around the World

From South America to West Africa, the CCAC’s Soot-Free Urban Bus Fleets Project is making progress in supporting cities to transition from diesel to soot-free engines.

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