
CCAC Partner since

Argentina joined the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) in 2018 and has since worked with CCAC partners to reduce black carbon from heavy duty diesel vehicles and engines as well as develop an integrated national plan to target short-lived climate pollutants across multiple sectors.  

In 2016, Argentina established a National Cabinet of Climate Change to help drive down emissions in line with its Paris Agreement commitments. The cabinet created national climate change action plans in the forestry, energy and transport sectors, which led to Argentina becoming the first country to submit their Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2016 and informed Argentina’s revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). If the mitigation measures from the sectoral action plans are fully implemented, they would help Argentina surpass its unconditional NDC target.  

Argentina’s NDC aims to decarbonize the transport sector. Strategies to achieve decarbonization are detailed in the 2017 National Plan for Transport and Climate Change, which aims to implement policies for urban mobility, cargo and heavy vehicle transportation, and inter-urban mobility to achieve this target. 

The energy sector, being recognized as the sector with the highest potential for mitigation in Argentina, is addressed by the 2017 National Plan for Energy and Climate Change. Measures and laws detailed in the Plan will address both the supply and demand side of energy usage – from increasing the use of renewables such as biofuels to increasing the energy efficiency of households. 

The 2019 National Agriculture and Climate Change Action Plan details Argentina’s actions towards a target of reducing greenhouse gases in the sector, the second largest emitter in the country, by 25.75 Mt CO2e by 2030. The main measures identified for emission reductions are carbon sequestration through agro-forestry, growing more efficient crops, and converting agricultural waste and biomass into energy. The Plan also recognises opportunities for collaboration between the private sector and financing institutions such as the Global Environment Facility to further progress its sectoral goals.  

Argentina ratified the Kigali Amendment in 2019 with the target to phase down HFCs by 80% by 2045 and has received aid from the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP). The K-CEP Program is working with Argentina's refrigeration manufacturers to develop clean and energy-efficient cooling appliances while also providing an implementation roadmap and business models to ensure the transition to cleaner cooling equipment.  


  • The 2013 PROBIOMASA programme was launched as a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) project to increase the use of biomass energy and diversify Argentina’s energy matrix. It aimed to generate 200 MW of both electric and thermal energy by 2016. 

Oil and Gas 

  • The Ministry of Energy and Mining launched the RenovAr Auction Programme to provide a financial safety net for renewable energy projects. This programme is one of the driving factors behind Argentina's increase in renewable energy. 


  • The objective of Argentina's 2005-2025 National Strategy of Solid Waste Management (ENGIRSU) is to establish an integrated waste management system that will improve public health and mitigate the environmental consequences of landfills. The program has received funding from the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility to pilot projects such as building biogas systems in municipalities. The current plan is in its last phase of implementation.  


CCAC projects

Other activities


  • The 2013 PROBIOMASA programme was launched as a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) project to increase the use of biomass energy and diversify Argentina’s energy matrix. It aimed to generate 200 MW of both electric and thermal energy by 2016. 

Oil and Gas 

  • The Ministry of Energy and Mining launched the RenovAr Auction Programme to provide a financial safety net for renewable energy projects. This programme is one of the driving factors behind Argentina's increase in renewable energy. 


  • The objective of Argentina's 2005-2025 National Strategy of Solid Waste Management (ENGIRSU) is to establish an integrated waste management system that will improve public health and mitigate the environmental consequences of landfills. The program has received funding from the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility to pilot projects such as building biogas systems in municipalities. The current plan is in its last phase of implementation. 


Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
Buenos Aires,Argentina

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