Image [media_placeholder] Brazil - Develop a methane mitigation strategy for urban and agricultural waste sectors Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Brazil - Develop a Methane Mitigation Strategy For Urban and Agricultural Waste Sectors Year 2024 2026 Beneficiary Brazil Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Instituto 17 RationaleBrazil possesses considerable potential to mitigate urban waste methane emissions through efficient waste management. This includes reducing organic waste in landfills by improving waste separation and collection, promoting recycling and composting, and implementing energy recovery technologies like biodigesters.Maintaining a maximum limit for landfilling organic waste to conserve nutrient value would ensure a sustainable waste management system. Financing for these initiatives could be acquired through direct government subsidies, private sector investments, carbon credit schemes, and energy certificates like the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) and CBIOs under the RenovaBio program. These financial mechanisms would help to overcome the barriers associated with implementing these projects and stimulate the widespread adoption of low-carbon technologies.As part of Brazil's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), these initiatives represent specific measures in distinct sectors that would substantially contribute to effective emission reduction. In the agricultural sector, Brazil has set an ambitious target to treat approximately 208.4 million cubic metres of animal waste by 2030. The success of these projects in the agricultural and urban waste sectors would symbolise a major stride towards fulfilling Brazil's commitment of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 in comparison to 2005 levels. To achieve this, the project aspires to promote change through low-carbon emission practices in agriculture and with the current AGR-22-001 project (under the CCAC’s implementation phase), which specifically targets the management of animal production residues (MAPR).ObjectivesThis project aims to:Enable the Government of Brazil to adopt a strategy for methane reduction in urban and agricultural waste sectors.Support sub-national agencies to adopt new waste management practices based on the methane strategy.Develop a proposal for the National Government to incorporate the methane strategy into the relevant policies on reduction of methane emissions.ActivitiesTo achieve these objectives, the project will:Conduct workshops for sub-national agencies to customise adoption plans.Provide technical assistance to sub-national actors on waste management technologies and funding mechanismsDevelop a monitoring and evaluation system.Develop a guidebook on new waste management practicesDevelop a comprehensive sector strategy.Provide Extensive training for stakeholders on sustainable waste management practices and funding mechanismsEstablish coordination mechanisms between sectors, stakeholders and levels of governments.Develop monitoring and evaluation tools.Develop an investment portfolio for the strategy.Project Reference: [BR-23-002] Brazil - Develop a methane mitigation strategy for urban and agricultural waste sectors