Brazil - Develop a Vehicle Emissions Inspection Programme


The main source of pollution in Brazil’s metropolitan area is from emissions from road vehicles, including cars, buses, trucks and motorcycles. Short-lived climate pollutants from the transport sector are mainly black carbon and tropospheric ozone (as result of emission of precursor pollutants). Heavy-duty diesel vehicles contribute significantly to air pollution. 

The State of São Paulo faces a particularly worrying situation because it holds about 40% of the country's automotive fleet. To monitor and reduce SLCPs from the transport sector it is necessary to regulate the emission standard of registered vehicles and to guarantee that the vehicles operate in good maintenance conditions. 

Brazil adopted PROCONVE 8 (P-8) standards, based on Euro VI, in 2018. P-8 standards entered into effect for new vehicle type approvals on January 2022, and for all new sales and registrations on January 2023; manufacturers are authorised to comply earlier with these standards. Therefore, Brazil requires support to develop a vehicle inspection programme to control and reduce black carbon emissions.

This project will incorporate short-lived climate pollutants into Brazil’s vehicle inspection programme, and develop a project funding proposal for the implementation and evaluation of a vehicle inspection pilot project in one state. It will also support the formulation and adoption of a new regulation to control and monitor SLCP in the vehicle sector in line with the vehicle inspection programme.


This project aims to:

  • Support the Government of Brazil to include short-lived climate pollutants (black carbon, PM 2.5 and sources of tropospheric ozone) in its vehicle inspection programme.
  • Support the Government of Brazil to submit a project funding proposal to potential donors for the implementation and evaluation of a vehicle inspection pilot project in one State by the end of the project or soon after.
  • Increase the capacity of the Government of Brazil to reduce SLCPs from heavy-duty vehicles and engines.

To achieve these objectives, the project will:

  • Develop a vehicle inspection programme to monitor and reduce short-lived climate pollutants from vehicles. 
  • Develop a short-lived climate pollutant mitigation assessment for the transport sector.
  • Conduct research and data collection to determine SLCPs emission factors. 
  • Prepare a project-funding proposal for the implementation and testing of a vehicle inspection pilot project in one state that builds on the analysis that will be conducted and on existing supporting policies, plans and strategies, and includes public awareness and education.
  • Recruit a national consultant for Brazil is recruited to support the project and related activities in cooperation with relevant government stakeholders.


    Project Reference:  [BR-23-004] Brazil - Develop a Vehicle Emissions Inspection Programme