Enhancing the climate mitigation ambitious of Brazil


After a request from the Ministry of Environment of Brazil, CCAC will support the elaboration of the mitigation component of the Brazil 2024-2035 Climate Plan, with a higher climate ambition, a process which will inform the update of Brazil National Determined Contributions (NDC) for 2025 and prepare the country’s trajectory towards net zero emissions by 2050. 

As part of the mitigation component, to be supported by both CCAC and UNEP Copenhagen Climate Center, Brazil aims to elaborate sectoral mitigation plans to lay down the pathway to achieving the country’s climate commitment, particularly the integration of methane as a short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) alongside other greenhouse gases (GHG). 

The project ensures methane reduction consideration is mainstreamed into the overall Climate Plan by looking at integration across sectors and the co-benefits of measures for adaptation and other sustainable development goals. As a signatory of the Global Methane Pledge, Brazil committed to the global goal of 30% of methane reduction by 2030 and expressed interest to strengthen methane in its NDC revision aligned with country's climate change policy framework.

  1. Development of sectorial mitigation plans through an integrated air pollution and climate change approach that results in increased methane integration and climate ambition into its 2024-2035 Climate Plan.
  2. Adoption of effective monitoring, funding, and carbon budget mechanisms to track and finance GHG, methane and other SLCP emissions reduction.
  3. Public and private institutions demonstrate greater capacity and participation in the formulation of integrated air pollution and climate mitigation policies that support methane reduction.

To achieve these objectives, the project will:

  • Conduct analyses, including estimating emissions, developing baseline scenarios, mitigation potential of policies and measures selection of emission, and quantification of benefits.
  • Elaboration of the National Mitigation Strategy with tools and methodology for sectorial allocation, based on GHG, methane, and other SLCP and air pollutants.
  • Elaboration of the sectoral plans with mitigation measures and targets, including on methane reduction.
  • Elaboration of MRV that can be adapted to different sectors and target GHG, SLCP and other pollutants.
  • Elaboration of financial landscape analysis of resources to be directed to fund the Sectoral Mitigation Plans and necessary regulatory/policy changes.
  • Preparation and selection of methodologies guidance for the preparation of the sectoral mitigation plans, including SLCP and methane consideration.


    Project reference: [SPC-24-001] Enhancing the climate mitigation ambitious of Brazil