Image [media_placeholder] Guatemala - Develop a national SLCP plan to mainstream SLCP mitigation into existing policy and methane roadmap Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Guatemala - Develop a National SLCP Plan To Mainstream SLCP Mitigation Into Existing Policy and Methane Roadmap Year 2024 2026 Beneficiary Guatemala Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) RationaleGuatemala has been a CCAC Partner since 2023 and has committed to mitigating greenhouse gases and short-lived climate pollutants emissions. Guatemala has submitted the request to develop a National SLCP Plan. The formulation of the National SLCP Plan provides an opportunity to highlight best practices, recommendations, updated data, and evidence to increase SLCP mitigation in the country. This can increase the visibility of the benefits of acting on SLCPs in the key sectors.Recently, Guatemala has started a review process for the 2021 NDC and a roadmap for its implementation. The period of this roadmap is proposed from 2023 to 2025, since in 2025 the country must review and report its progress, as well as update its NDC by 2025. This National SLCP Plan could help inform this process and aim to include SLCP actions in 2025's NDC.The National SLCP Plan will include the current status of SLCP emissions in Guatemala, evaluate how these could change into the future without mitigation, and identify the emission reduction potential of policies and measures that are identified, evaluated and prioritised within the Plan. The project will, therefore, provide a prioritised list of actions within the National SLCP Plan that will be endorsed at the Ministerial level, the implementation of which will be tracked over time to ensure that their implementation is being scaled up. In addition, the National SLCP Plan will outline how SLCP mitigation can contribute to achieving, or exceeding Guatemala's national climate change mitigation targets. Taking forward the recommendations within sectoral mitigation plans will ensure that Guatemala communicates these actions within this climate change planning, and reports on progress on their achievement through their Biennial Transparency Reports and the Enhanced Transparency Framework.ObjectivesThis project aims to:Support the Government of Guatemala to endrose a National SLCP Plan by the end of the project or soon after.Strengthened awareness and capacity at national and sub-national levels on short-lived climate pollutants by the end of the project.The Government of Guatemala includes SLCPs in the MRV framework by the end of the project or soon after.The Government of Guatemala includes SLCP goals in at least one existing national development plan or strategy by 2025. ActivitiesTo achieve these objectives, the project will:Assessment of institutional arrangements, identification of roles and relevant stakeholders to be involved in the SLCP.Stakeholder meetings with line ministries convened before and during the development of the plan.National SLCP Plan with clear responsibilities, timelines, and monitoring mechanisms.Resource mobilization strategy to implement the National SLCP Plan is developed and potential national and international.A project pipeline with 2-3 project ideas to scale up implementation of SLCP action.Project financing, domestic investment and sector stakeholders convened and engaged.Information sessions/capacity building targeting decision makers on political support for the plans endorsement.Training of the use of modelling tools to sustain inventory updates.A participatory and inclusive process involving key stakeholders, including government agencies.Framework for the implementation of SLCP action plans at sub-national levels.Standardized methodologies and indicators for monitoring SLCP reduction measures across different sectors are defined.A reporting mechanism that requires regular reporting of progress on SLCP reduction targets developed.Develop a transparent and accessible database to collect, store, and analyze reported data on sectoral mitigation.Verification process to ensure data accuracy and credibility, possibly with external third-party involvement.Recommendations on required governance mechanisms for the implementation of the National SLCP Plan are established.Recommendations for including SLCPs in relevant plans such as NDC, National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP), Air Quality. Project Reference: [GT-24-001] Guatemala - Develop a national SLCP plan to mainstream SLCP mitigation into existing policy and methane roadmap
Year 2024 2026 Beneficiary Guatemala Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)