Kazakhstan - Develop a national SLCP plan to mainstream SLCP mitigation into existing policy and methane roadmap


According to the latest national report of Kazakhstant, methane emissions in 1990 amounted to 100.9 mil. tons of CO2-eq., whereas in 2021 their level decreased to 60 million tons of CO2-eq. Thus, methane emissions in Kazakhstan decreased by 40%. The main emitters of methane are agriculture – 40.6% of all emissions, the oil and gas sector – 35.4%, coal mining – 12.8%. At the same time, while emissions in the coal, oil and gas production sector have significantly decreased by 75.47% and 41.41%, respectively, compared with 1990, emissions in agriculture have decreased less significantly – 13.21% and there is an increase in emissions in the sector. Emissions in the waste management sector also increased by more than 2 times. Methane experts from development organizations mention that methane forecast in National Communications are inflated.

The 2007 prohibition of gas flaring in the Kazakhstan had an important effect on methane reduction. At COP28, Kazakhstan announced joining the Global Methane Pledge. 

This Project will improve national capacity for SLCP reduction and NDC 3.0 implementation by using CCAC guidances and comprehensive energy-economy-air quality modeling to develop a National SLCP plan and Methane Roadmap based on cost-benefit assessment highlighting SLCP reduction benefits for the population and environment.


This project aims to:

  • The Government of Kazakhstan endorses a National SLCP Plan by the end of the project or soon after.
  • The Government of Kazakhstan has strengthened awareness and capacity at national and sub-national levels to reduce short-lived climate pollutants by the end of the project. 
  • The Government of Kazakhstan endorses the National Methane Roadmap by the end of the project of soon after.  
  • The Government of Kazakhstan includes SLCPs in the MRV framework by the end of the project or soon after. 
  • The Government of Kazakhstan includes SLCP goals in at least one existing national development plan or strategy by 2025.


To achieve these objectives, the project will:

  • Develop the SLCP National Plan and Roadmap.
  • Standardized methodologies and indicators for SLCP monitoring.
  • A database for collecting, storing and analyzing SLCP data
  • Organize information sessions and trainings.
  • Formation of NDC Hub (SLCPs section, but not limited to)
  • Consultations on the development of a national SLCP reduction strategy.
  • Inclusion of SLCP targets in NDC 3.0.
  • Consultations with stakeholders on the inclusion of SLCP goals in NDC 3.0. 

Project Reference: [KZ-24-002] Kazakhstan - Develop a national SLCP plan to mainstream SLCP mitigation into existing policy and methane roadmap