Image [media_placeholder] Kazakhstan – Develop a national SLCP plan to mainstream SLCP mitigation into existing policy and methane roadmap Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Kazakhstan – Develop a National SLCP Plan To Mainstream SLCP Mitigation Into Existing Policy and Methane Roadmap Year 2024 2027 Beneficiary Kazakhstan Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Kazakhstan Association of Regional Environmental Initiatives “ECOJER” RationaleKazakhstan's main emitters of methane are agriculture – 40.6% of all emissions, the oil and gas sector – 35.4%, coal mining – 12.8%. At the same time, while emissions in the coal, oil and gas production sector have significantly decreased by 75.47% and 41.41%, respectively, compared with 1990, emissions in agriculture have decreased less significantly – 13.21% and there is an increase in emissions in the sector. Emissions in the waste management sector have more than doubled. Kazakhstan is also a signatory to the Global Methane Pledge and is obliged to define its national contribution to the global methane reduction, to develop a plan for such reduction, and to consider a new MRV system and a scheme for methane reduction.This project will improve national capacity for SLCPs reduction and NDC 3.0 implementation by using CCAC guidances, and comprehensive energy-economy-air quality modeling to develop National SLCPs Plan and Methane Roadmap based on cost-benefit assessment highlighting SLCP reduction benefits for the population and environment. ObjectivesEnable the Government of Kazakhstan to endorse a National SLCP Plan. Strengthen the capacity of Government of Kazakhstan at national and sub-national levels to reduce short-lived climate pollutants.Enable the Government of Kazakhstan to endorse the National Methane Roadmap. Enable the Government of Kazakhstan to include SLCPs in the monitoring, reporting, and verification framework.. Enable the Government of Kazakhstan to includes SLCP goals in at least one existing national development plan or strategy by 2025. ActivitiesTo achieve these outcomes, the project will:Promote the creation of a specific plan with specific goals, objectives, deadlines and implementation mechanisms and involves financial partners and stakeholders.Conduct information sessions and trainings for decision makers increase awareness of SLCP and its impact, stimulating support for the National SLCP Plan and the adoption of necessary measures to reduce the emissions of SLCP. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the problem of methane gases in Kazakhstan and develop a specific action plan taking into account international standards and recommendations, and enhance the competence of specialists through the study of best practices and the use of new data and tools.Develop a national system for monitoring SLCP emissions in accordance with international standards and recommendations; a database for storing and analysing information on SLCP emissions, mitigation measures and monitoring results.Develop a mechanism for reporting progress in reducing SLCP emissions and ensure transparency of data; introduces procedures for verifying the accuracy and reliability of reported data, which increases the level of trust in the information received.Analyse existing national development plans and strategies and identify opportunities for the inclusion of SLCP goals, and develop recommendations on specific steps to include SLCP goals in relevant plans.Project Reference: [KZ-24-002] Kazakhstan– Develop a national SLCP plan to mainstream SLCP mitigation into existing policy and methane roadmap
Year 2024 2027 Beneficiary Kazakhstan Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Kazakhstan Association of Regional Environmental Initiatives “ECOJER”