Panama – Accelerating actions to improve organic waste management and reduce methane emissions


According to Panama's latest national greenhouse gas inventory presented in the Fourth Communication on Climate Change, emissions from the waste sector reached 1,634.6 kt of CO2 -equivalent in 2019. 

Of this total, 81.1% corresponds to solid waste disposal, indicating the significant relevance of this activity in emissions generation within this sector. Methane was the primary contributor to emissions, accounting for 96.7%. It is estimated that the total amount of waste generated in the province of Panama for that year was 983.6 kt.

National waste characterisations have shown that, on average, 33% consists of organic waste, totalling 324.6kt of waste deposited in solid waste disposal sites. 

Panama’s mitigation waste emissions mitigations targets include a 31% reduction in emissions by 2050 compared to business as usual.

Mapped has identified over 250 solid waste management and circular solutions in the country, with about 30% related to organic waste, while most solutions identified are at a small scale, there are key actors with advanced technologies to reduce, process and/or transform organic waste through circular technologies/initiatives.


This project aims to:

  • Increase the knowledge and opportunities for the government of Panama in organic waste diversion including their positive impacts by the end of the project or soon after.
  • Enable the Government of Panama to endorse project proposals/initiatives for organic waste management.
  • Develop a draft roadmap to for financial instruments in support of the waste sector.
  • Increase the capacity of the Government of Panama to assess and implement SLCP mitigation measures.


To achieve these objectives. the project will:

  • Identify and develop innovative and practical treatment options and solutions for managing organic waste, this will generate data on decentralised infrastructure needs, such as composting plants, bio-digesters, food and material recovery and waste reduction technologies. 
  • Create a portfolio of initiatives and projects that show business potential and are aligned with national goals, attract funding from both public and private sectors, along with specific financial plans for at least three selected projects to move them forward. This includes creating financial tools and agreements among stakeholders, enhancing the chances of securing financing, scaling, and promoting sustainable solutions. 
  • Conduct workshops to bring together key stakeholders to explore and design financial mechanisms, ensuring alignment with Panama's national goals. 
  • Develop trainings for key stakeholders and knowledge-sharing platforms to disseminate results.

Project Reference: [PA-24-003] Panama - Accelerating actions to improve organic waste management and reduce methane emissions