Uganda - Support for integrated national clean cooking strategy



Uganda’s population is 74% rural, but the urban population is growing rapidly and is projected to double in the next 14 years. These factors shape and constrain household energy choices. Just 1% of the population uses a clean cooking option as their primary source of cooking energy (2.7% urban, 0.6% rural). 

Uganda has demonstrated that there is political will to expand access to clean cooking options, which is evident through recent policies, programs, and projects (described in detail in the Complementarity Section immediately below). 

Uganda’s third National Development Plan (NDPIII) defines the core objectives of this project: 1) increase the share of clean energy used for cooking from 15% to 50%; 2) reduce the share of biomass for cooking from 88% to 50%; and 3) increase LPG from 1% to 8% of energy use (all by 2025). 

This project responds to the request by Uganda’s Renewable Energy Department in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development to support preliminary studies to develop Uganda’s integrated national clean cooking strategy, including quantifying the emission reduction potential (GHG and black carbon) of clean cooking solutions. The development of this overall integrated national clean cooking strategy and action plan will guide the Government and its partners on how to achieve the targeted 50% clean cooking access by 2025. 


This project aims to: 

  • Equip Uganda’s government with a coordinated integrated National Clean Cooking strategy to achieve clean cooking targets with a clear process to measure and monitor the extent to which these interventions are meeting Uganda’s Third National Development Plan Target by 2025. 



To achieve these objectives the project will : 

  • Consolidate the strategies currently being developed for biogas technology, LPG, electric cooking, ethanol, and other clean cooking technologies to provide targets on how all these clean technologies can achieve Uganda’s Third National Development Plan target to increase share of clean energy used for cooking from the baseline 15% in 2018/19 to 50% by 2025. The Third National Development Plan includes an objective to “Promote uptake of alternative and efficient cooking technologies including rural areas (electric cooking, domestic and institutional biogas and LPG).” 
  • Provide clear targets for all clean cooking technologies such as electric pressure-cooking, LPG, ethanol, and clean and modern biomass on how they meet the 50% clean cooking target by 2025. 
  • Assess the adequacy of these government incentives for achieving these clean cooking target by 2025. 
  • Develop robust results, monitoring, evaluation and learning framework with SMART standard indicators for decision support. 

Project reference: Uganda - Support for integrated national clean cooking strategy [UG-22-002]

Pollutants (SLCPs)