Guidelines & Tools

COVID-19 and Cooling

Keeping Cool in the Time of Covid-19: Safe & Sustainable Use of Air-Conditioning During a Pandemic

As evidence grows that Covid-19 is airborne, understanding the relationship between air-conditioning and coronavirus transmission is of utmost importance. This resource guide provides basic guidance on how to use air-conditioning while minimizing the risk of transmission as well as negative impacts to the climate.

The novel coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, devastating economies and societies around the world. As of 8th October 2020, COVID-19 has infected 36.2 million people, and resulted in the deaths of 1.06 million people globally.

With rising global temperatures and more people staying indoors, cooling systems are more important than ever. The way they are used is equally important as indoor heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems can play a significant role in stemming the risk of coronavirus transmission.

However, increasing demand is putting more and more pressure on the climate and environment. Global demand for air conditioners is predicted to quadruple by 2050 – amounting to 10 new ACs sold every second for the next 30 years. As traditional cooling systems emit powerful ozone-depleting fluorinated gases such as CFCs, HCFCs, and HFCs, it is crucial to continually invest in energy efficiency, alternative technologies, and energy demand reduction.

In the webinar, Keeping Cool in the Time of Covid-19: Safe & Sustainable Use of Air-Conditioning during a Pandemic, recorded on 24 September, 2020,  Prof. Walid Chakroun, Fellow ASHRAE and member of Covid-19 Task Force and Professor, College of Engineering & Petroleum at Kuwait University, presented the do's and don'ts in servicing and maintenance of space cooling equipment and appliances to protect human health and the environment. The webinar recording and supporting documents from the event are available below.

Watch the recording