Reports, Case Studies & Assessments

Feasibility Study: Malé and Hulhumalé District Cooling


Devcco prepared this study to examine the feasibility of replacing the existing population of HCFC/HFC based air-conditioners in Malé and Hulhumalé, Maldives, with district cooling technology, thereby contributing to Maldives’ national goals of carbon neutrality and HCFC phase-out by 2020.

The study concludes that "[v]ery substantial reductions of emitted greenhouse gases can be achieved by introducing district cooling in the development areas of Hulhumale’. Avoided emissions of carbon dioxide alone amount to up to 142,000 tons per year. By avoidance of large numbers of building individual air conditioning systems leakage of refrigerants being powerful greenhouse gases will also be diminished." 

The study was prepared for UNDP, with financial support from the CCAC, as part of the CCAC HFC initiative on the promotion of hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) alternative technology and standards.