Reports, Case Studies & Assessments

Indonesia HFC Inventory


This document presents details of a market assessment of consumption of HFCs and expected future growth of HFCs in Indonesia.

The study covers HFCs available and mostly used in Indonesia such as R-134a, R-410A, R-404A, R-407C, R-507C, and R-32. Based on available HCFC and HFC consumption data, the future HFCs consumption in RAC sectors was estimated. The sectors covered are domestic refrigeration, commercial and industrial refrigeration, residential, commercial, and transport air conditioning, foam, mobile air conditioning, solvents and aerosols.

The total potential direct emission of HFC (and HFE) in all sector applications is estimated to reach 15,054 kTon CO2eq. in the year 2009 and this is expected to increase to 24,683 kTon CO2eq. in the year 2020. Further, this is expected to sharply increase to 1,688,448 kTon CO2eq. in year 2050.

Pollutants (SLCPs)