Closed 2023 Call for proposals: Projects to advance transformative change in key sectors Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Calls For Proposals 2023 Call For Proposals: Projects To Advance Transformative Change In Key Sectors Scope The CCAC’s 2030 Strategy aims to drive significant reductions in short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) this decade to simultaneously improve air quality and slow temperature rise in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. These 2030 goals are achievable using existing technologies and practices. The SLCPs methane and black carbon can be reduced by 45% and 70% respectively (from 2010 levels). Another SLCP, hydrofluorocarbons, can be almost completely eliminated by 2050. While efforts to reduce SLCP emissions are advancing, mitigation must be scaled up across multiple emitting sectors, and quickly, to reach our 2030 goals. In response, the CCAC has developed engagement strategies targeting the main SLCP emitting sectors. These strategies set out mechanisms and structures to reduce emissions this decade. This call for proposals seeks projects to accelerate implementation of the CCAC sector engagement strategies. Projects should lay the groundwork for scaled up mitigation of SLCP emissions by demonstrating the desirability, viability, and feasibility of a mitigation solution or approach across a country, sector or region. Projects should propose and pilot an innovative approach to mitigating short-lived climate pollutant emissions in at least one of the main SLCP emitting sectors - agriculture, cooling, fossil fuels, heavy-duty vehicles and engines, household energy, or waste. The proposed approach must align with the actions and goals outlined in the relevant CCAC sector engagement strategy and should include at least one of the following: Technical or technology solution Economic incentive or business model Behavioral or social change Regulation or regulatory enforcement regime Solution to unlock finance and investment Global or regional strategy for sector transformation Projects are expected to create the enabling conditions for scaled up implementation of the proposed approach. To achieve this, projects must: Address a clear and relevant economic, strategic, or social need Demonstrate support, ownership, or commitment from relevant stakeholders Target a defined geographic area, sector, or population Take a holistic, system-wide approach Have a plan for sustaining results beyond the lifetime of the project Demonstrate the potential for large-scale and long-term impact Multidisciplinary collaborations, as well as the involvement of appropriate private sector stakeholders, are encouraged. Expected outcomes Projects should be able to achieve the following outcomes by project end or soon after: The SLCP mitigation approach is proven viable through small-scale implementation, with potential risks and gaps identified The SLCP mitigation approach is recognized, endorsed, or adopted by the targeted government authorities and/or sector stakeholders Targeted stakeholders have the relevant knowledge and/or capacity to implement the SLCP mitigation approach Additional funding sources are identified and/or catalyzed to implement the SLCP mitigation approach at scale Who can apply The CCAC can only fund non-profit entities, which include non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs). For-profit entities may only participate in projects as stakeholders, co-funders, or end users. Applicants are encouraged to include for-profit entities in the development of the project proposal and/or during project implementation if their ownership of the proposed solution is key to the project’s success. Project amount and duration To be considered for funding, project proposals must: Explain why the project is transformative  Explain how the project will contribute to reducing SLCP emissions at scale  Provide a clear strategy and approach for achieving transformative change  Include activities to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed SLCP mitigation approach  Estimate the emissions reduction potential (SLCPs, as well as greenhouse gases and air pollutants where applicable) of the proposed mitigation approach Estimate the resulting co-benefits for sustainable development (economic, health, environmental, food security, etc.)  Provide a strategy and approach for scaling up and replicating the proposed SLCP mitigation approach  Explain how the project complements other efforts in the sector  Explain how the project aligns with the goals of the CCAC engagement strategy for the relevant sector The following considerations should be included in project proposals as relevant: Solutions that cut across several sectors or that make use of synergies across several sectors Collaborations between regions, countries or communities with similar contexts or challenges Existing solutions or knowledge that can be built upon or leveraged Projects that are considered to fall outside the purpose or focus of this call will not be evaluated in full. Projects that support national planning and national mitigation policy should not be submitted under this call. The CCAC hosts two calls for proposals for national planning and policy projects each year. These calls are usually announced in Q2 and Q3. Applicants interested in supporting country-driven projects should check our call for proposals announcements page to find out more about these opportunities for funding. How to apply Eligible applicants are invited to apply before the deadline by downloading and completing the Application Form and Budget Form. These completed forms along with other supporting documents should be submitted to the CCAC Secretariat at secretariat [at] (secretariat[at]ccacoalition[dot]org) prior to the deadline. It is recommended that applicants review the Guidance for Applicants prior to completing the form. COUNTRY – TITLE [PROJECT NUMBER] Highlights Opening: May 26, 2023 Closing: September 10, 2023 Estimated project cost The total amount available for this call is US $4 million with a maximum of US $800,000 available per project More information CCAC Engagement strategies Applicant resources