CCAC Methane Action Workshop


The Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) is a core implementing partner of the Global Methane Pledge (GMP) and serves as the first port of call for countries engaging in the GMP. As such, CCAC offers a number of support mechanisms, including working with participating countries to identify the most efficient methane mitigation strategies and resources to realize country priorities and the goals of the Pledge, and supporting countries in developing more detailed methane emissions reduction roadmaps. 

Methane reduction action plans and roadmaps can help countries leverage emerging data and techniques to enhance their Paris Agreement methane emissions inventories; identify compelling abatement strategies; and define methane-related policies, programs, and project proposals. These plans can also help to match governments with technical assistance from GMP partners. Some countries have finalized and published their plans, others are in the process of developing them.

The CCAC Methane Action Workshop from 21 to 23 February 2023 will provide a platform for countries and Coalition partners to exchange their experiences, and to discuss priorities that will help with national methane reduction strategies development and implementation.

For more information, contact secretariat [at]