Priority setting for Viet Nam's NDC implementation plan for rice production (closed event)


The Department of Crop Production of Viet Nam, in collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the Climate & Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), is organising a workshop to set priorities for Viet Nam's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation plan for the rice sector. This closed event will be held in person and online. Please contact the CCAC Secretariat if you'd like to know more.


Preparation for NDC implementation in the agriculture and rural development sector

  • Update of Vietnam’s NDC commitments in the agriculture and rural development sector - Ms. Le Hoang Anh, Dept of Science, Technology and Environment
  • Rice Productionin Vietnamand its contribution to NDC implementation - Mr. Nguyen Van Vuong, Department of Crop Production
  • CCAC support to reduce short-lived climate pollutants from agriculture in Vietnam - Ms. Catalina Etcheverry and Dada Bacudo, Climate & Clean Air Coalition

Towards NDC implementation in rice sector: Priorities setting

  • Scenarios for NDC implementation in the rice sector - Dr. Ole Sander, IRRI
  • Q&A and discussion: Roles and responsibilities of different departments and organizations; Approaches in different regions; Investment needs (domestic and international); Who and can support MARD, and how